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Lenya Bobrov posts material on the Internet about a great vacation in Sri Lanka. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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    Lenya Bobrov posts material on the Internet about a great vacation in Sri Lanka. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov posts material on the Internet about a great vacation in Sri Lanka. A story.
  Lenya Bobrov learned that the President of Sri Lanka asked Russia to open a credit line for fuel imports and resume Aeroflot flights to the island.
  Lenya thought that the President of Sri Lanka, due to the geographical remoteness of this island and the heavy workload with internal economic problems, has a poor idea of the economic situation in Russia.
  Decline in the cost of the average check, a drop in car sales, a drop in tourist flow, a sharp increase in the number of lots of forced sale of property of citizens of the Russian Federation (compared to 2021) ...
  Russia is a country of generosity. For example, (in relation) to the residents of the Kherson region. They can receive money in rubles without writ of execution.
  Though, (and) in Russia there are tens of thousands of such recipients (without writ of execution).
  A citizen of the Russian Federation was deprived of the right of ownership to an object of real estate (the citizen accidentally found out about this almost two years later - after a happy event). They studied the matter to the details, they put forward the concept of a 'blocked building' (they have not yet registered such a house in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (UGRN)). But they do not want to pay compensation to a citizen of the Russian Federation without a writ of execution.
  But, they recommend him that he start expenses - start re-registering property rights - with [under] one (small) condition: to visit (to arrive, to come at) the registration authorities not alone, but "simultaneously" with "the owner of the premises with a cadastral number." That 'the owner of the premises with a cadastral number', of course, is not obliged to visit, and even more so, he is not obliged to visit "simultaneously" ... But what to do? You, citizens, must make an efforts, you must try to do your best... Do not believe if someone says that real estate is capital that can bring its owner a piece of cheese with butter...
  Yes, and do not forget to take with you for registration - and for obtaining a new ownership - "a technical plan, drawn up in the form of one document with the number of details of its section "Characteristics of the building", containing information about the formed buildings corresponding to the number of formed buildings (of blocks of a blocked building [of a block of flats])" ... [unofficial translation]
  So, in a number of cases, the residents of the Kherson region are ahead of the citizens of Russia. These residents of the Kherson region can receive money in rubles without writ of execution, they receive passports of citizens of the Russian Federation according to a simplified scheme ...
  To put ahead of [to put in front of] the citizens of Russia not only the inhabitants of the Kherson region, but also the citizens of Sri Lanka?
  Some citizens of the Russian Federation will have to stand in a long queue ... Even the "simultaneously" will not work ...
  Lenya finds a photo taken during a trip to Sri Lanka and posts it on the Internet with the caption:
  "Great holiday in Sri Lanka (before the economic crisis)."
  What would a holiday in Sri Lanka look like today? If Lenya had been offered to fly to Sri Lanka with a group of bloggers (at public expense), Lenya would have thought about such a proposal. With all the nuances, visiting Sri Lanka is an attractive thing. Lenya is ready to agree to such a proposal.
  [MMMLIV. Application to the IFTS by e-mail. A diary note. - July 6, 2022.].
  July 9, 2022 11:55
  Translation from Russian into English: July 9, 2022 13:01.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Лёня Бобров размещает в интернете материал об отличном отдыхе на Шри Ланке. Рассказ'.
  { 3087. Лёня Бобров размещает в интернете материал об отличном отдыхе на Шри Ланке. Рассказ.
  MMMLVIII. Lenya Bobrov posts material on the Internet about a great vacation in Sri Lanka. A story. }

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