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Lenya Bobrov reflects on a statistics of prices using the example of sprat in a tomato sauce. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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    Lenya Bobrov reflects on a statistics of prices using the example of sprat in a tomato sauce. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov reflects on a statistics of prices using the example of sprat in a tomato sauce. A story.
  One example of curbing inflation is the preservation of cheap items in the common nomenclature of food commodities.
  Suppose there is a sprat on sale. It is of different varieties - there are cheap options, there are also expensive ones.
  A cheap option is about 35-40 rubles for a tin can.
  Apparently, this sprat was inspected by a pilot (who recently returned from the United States) as one of the economic achievements.
  Now the pilot is a popular figure. He is interviewed and these interviews are broadcast through the media. He heroically spent 10 years in the USA... (Why was he not provided with a money job in Russia?...). (For some reason, he was transporting something in Africa - apparently, he was well paid ...).
  So, what impression did Russia make on him - after his return?
  For some reason, the pilot in an interview named sprat in a tomato sauce as one of his a noticeable impressions (after his return from the USA).
  Lenya himself did not eat of the cheapest sprat, but he had personal experience of saving money on feeding pets.
  He quickly learned that visiting veterinary clinics begins with a message about the need to donate blood from an animal for a comprehensive analysis - which costs more than a thousand rubles.
  That experience is in the past.
  Now Lenya was asked for support by a stray cat, which had kittens, and Lenya acted as economically as possible - he did not buy sprat, but decided to buy canned food at a price of about 65 rubles per can.
  Overpayment - compared to the cheapest sprat - 20-25 rubles per can. In general, this can be considered as the action for saving.
  He bought two cans with different labels.
  He gave the contents of one can to the cat and her kittens. They ate 20 percent of what was offered.
  The next day he opened another jar. Although it had a different label, the contents had an identical appearance (size, structure, color of the fish pieces, color of the "oil" that was placed among the pieces, the smell of the entire contents).
  The cat and kittens tried not to approach the contents of the second jar.
  Finally, one of the kittens cautiously approached. He sniffed the offered dish.
  For the first time, Lenya saw a new type of cat's reaction to the proposed dish - the kitten did not shake its paw (this was how neglect was expressed), but pretended that it was burying with its front paw a pieces of fish lying on a saucer.
  Lenya was disappointed. Two banks - the total cost is about 130 rubles. Money spent in vain.
  The situation is contradictory. The cat was nervous and asked for food aid. But she did not eat fish pieces from the purchased can.
  Apparently, the pilot, who returned from the United States, had not yet had time to receive full information about economic achievements. The pilot could talk not only about sprat in a tomato sauce, but also about other canned fish.
  The pilot now would like to engage in international humanitarian assistance - after his release. Perhaps the support that he received for 10 years convinced him of the need to protect human rights.
  Lenya thought that it would not hurt for the pilot to exchange experience with Kirill Vyshinsky - it is quite attractive after being released to be (to find himself) in a high-level structures and to feel own positive role (the public is not informed about wages and other benefits).
  The interview shows that the well-known pilot is looking for a job (is looking for a new role) in a new situation.
  Lenya is not going to refuse food assistance to a stray cat and her kittens.
  So he will continue to explore the most economical options for food sold.
  At the same time, he will get acquainted with price statistics - a huge achievement is the containment of prices and the preservation of cheap options for food products in the general nomenclature.
  It's nice to feel the care of the Government...
  July 13, 2022 07:45
  Translation from Russian into English: July 13, 2022 08:28.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Лёня Бобров размышляет о статистике цен на примере кильки в томате. Рассказ".
  { 3092. Лёня Бобров размышляет о статистике цен на примере кильки в томате. Рассказ.
  MMMLXIII. Lenya Bobrov reflects on a statistics of prices using the example of sprat in a tomato sauce. A story. }

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