Lenya Bobrov watches the operation of powerful pumps while passing through the Volga-Don Canal and makes an order for beach slippers in an online store. A story
Аннотация: Lenya Bobrov watches the operation of powerful pumps while passing through the Volga-Don Canal and makes an order for beach slippers in an online store. A story.
Lenya Bobrov watches the operation of powerful pumps while passing through the Volga-Don Canal and makes an order for beach slippers in an online store. A story.
The cruise ship, on which Lenya Bobrov is sailing, began to move through the locks of the Volga-Don Canal.
What is the meaning of gateways?
Volga and Don are below the Canal. In order to enter the Canal from the Volga, you need to "climb". And in order to then move from the Channel to the Don, you need to "go down".
But how to do it?
The ship enters the lock, the water in the lock decreases or rises. The ship rises or falls about ten meters. Passing through several locks, the ship rises or falls to the desired level.
But how to fill the lock with water so that the ship rises with the rising water?
Powerful pumps operate.
Lenya watches the operation of the pumps and learns additional information. According to Ms. Nabiullina (June 10, 2022), the main threats to accelerate inflation in the Russian Federation are external conditions. [unofficial translation]
Until recently, he had a chance to hear how one of the active participants in the tourism industry avoided the issue regarding the exchanging Russian rubles when tourists arrived in Turkey. According to him, Russian tourists pay on the territory of Russia for a ticket and for a tour . While on holiday in Turkey, they do not need foreign currency.
However, Lenya intends to go to Africa!
He will describe African life!
He cannot pay on the territory of Russia for such a trip in Russian rubles in advance.
New, interesting, interview between two correspondents of the same radio station.
One correspondent - he, apparently, is sitting in Moscow - asks questions to another ("traveler").
"Traveler", by the will of fate, is moving around the world. He recently traveled to Latin America.
The Moscow dweller redirects the "traveler" from the topic of Latin American admiration of Russia to a story about solving the currency problem.
As soon as the traveler approaches this topic, he goes into a mode of laughs, chuckles, and extreme laconism.
Lenya, a practical man, is waiting for the traveler to tell how he exchanged rubles for foreign currency in Russia, how he crossed the border, how long the exchanged currency was enough for him, and what he did after this exchanged currency dried up.
However, the traveler reports that he came to Turkey with a MIR card and exchanged Russian rubles for Turkish lira without any difficulty. Laughs, chuckles.
However, how many rubles did he change?
At what currency rate?
Probably, in the exchangers they take advantage of the difficulties of the Russians, and the arrived tourists lose during the exchange? How much?
Neither in Latin America nor in Africa do they pay with Turkish lira. Therefore, after receiving Turkish liras, do they need to be exchanged for US dollars?
How long time did the exchanged dollars last for the traveler when traveling through Latin America? And then what - after they ended?
The traveler is as concise as possible. He hurries to move on to another topic.
Lenya is worried about this whole situation.
He decides to place an order through the online store.
For a trip to Africa, he will order beach slippers, swimming trunks and a Panama hat with a company label.
Lenya is surprised to find out that in the online store rubles are exchanged for dollars at a completely different rate, - not similar which is set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Strange, very strange!
Why set a relatively low ruble exchange rate when there are threats due to external conditions?
Lenya drives away suspicions from herself.
It cannot be that someone bought US dollars today, when they can be bought for Russian rubles at a "low" rate, and after a while they sold dollars at a high rate and received a margin.
Not! They are not the people of such type! They are patriots and are concerned about the fate of Russia!
Lenya makes an order of beach slippers, swimming trunks and a panama hat with a company label in the online store.
What he sees?! A completely different exchange rate of Russian rubles for US dollars - not the one set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Lenya is disappointed. He is irritated.
It remains to be seen, whether the payment goes through. Then, it's necessary to wait for the parcel to arrive with beach slippers, swimming trunks and a panama hat.
Meanwhile, Lenya is floating from the Volga to the Don and has the opportunity to observe the work of powerful pumps ...
June 11, 2022 04:39
Translation from Russian into English: June 11, 2022 06:44.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Лёня Бобров наблюдает за работой мощных насосов при прохождении через Волго-Донской канал и делает заказ пляжных тапочек в интернет-магазине. Рассказ".
{ 3046. Лёня Бобров наблюдает за работой мощных насосов при прохождении через Волго-Донской канал и делает заказ пляжных тапочек в интернет-магазине. Рассказ.
MMMXVII. Lenya Bobrov watches the operation of powerful pumps while passing through the Volga-Don Canal and makes an order for beach slippers in an online store. A story. }