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Leonid Mlechin and his biographies. A literary note

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    Leonid Mlechin and his biographies. A literary note.

  Leonid Mlechin and his biographies. A literary note.
  I completely has read the book by Leonid Mlechin "Brezhnev" and has read his book "Andropov" up to the chapter about Amin. [Млечин Л. М. Юрий Андропов. - М., Центрполиграф, 2008; Млечин Л. М. Брежнев. - М.: Проспект, 2008.]
  Many times I heard about Leonid Mlechin. My point of view was partly skeptical. He was known (for me) by his activities on a television. His work on TV did not make a strong impression (to me).
  But after a perusal of these books my opinion had changed. The interesting books! May be, not without shortcomings ...
  Leonid Mlechin, as a writer, probably, is underrated.
  If to read in Wikipedia the article about Leonid Mlechin?
  The access in the Internet is limited!
  What to do?
  Soon Leonid Mlechin will write the own biography.
  It will be interesting to read!
  When the access in the Internet will be restored, we shall place the given note ...
  March 6, 2021 14:54
  Translation from Russian into English: March 7, 2021 11:01.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Леонид Млечин и его биографии. Литературоведческая заметка".
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