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Levantine foreign policy check (cash receipt), nuclear and space projects, the mysterious custom of cashback. An essay on domestic and foreign policy

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    Levantine foreign policy check (cash receipt), nuclear and space projects, the mysterious custom of cashback. An essay on domestic and foreign policy.

  A Levantine foreign policy check (cash receipt), a nuclear and space projects, the mysterious custom of cashback. An essay on domestic and foreign policy.
  From time to time, an awkward moment appears in the conversations of political observers (working for a wide audience).
  One of the interlocutors timidly asks the other about the economic profitability of this or that foreign policy (foreign economic) action.
  The second interlocutor - in order to smooth over the awkwardness - takes an important look and answers that the task is not to make a profit, not to primitive profitability, but to achieve certain strategic goals, to defend certain strategic interests.
  Such moments took place, for example, during the discussion of the Akkuyu atomic project (but not only).
  What is the meaning of a foreign policy check (cash receipt)? Such a policy is carried out not on the basis of historical traditions and civilizational proximity (of ideological postulates), but on the basis of material interest.
  Some actions, or abstaining from any actions, are generously paid through some acceptable form.
  In this regard, the simultaneous appearance of news about the Istanbul Canal and about Turkey's space plans seemed interesting to us.
  It seems that next decision has been made to build this canal. A letter followed from a group of retired high-ranking Turkish military personnel in defense of the Montreux Convention. Severe measures were followed against the signers of this letter.
  Turkey, after Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, has absorbed and continues to absorb a European traditions.
  For the traditional European foreign policy worldview, algorithms of a foreign policy check (cash receipt) are alien and irrational.
  Of course, you can interest someone in grants or tranches of foreign policy financial assistance ...
  But the paying year after year for necessary actions (or abstaining from actions) of large influential states is not in the style of European politics.
  Not in the style of European politics and receiving money from some country in exchange for major, significant changes of the political vector.
  Turkey is on the move, in development ... Why not show a positive attitude towards the Akkuyu project (which is carried out mainly not with Turkish money) - at the same time as the development, absorbing of European traditions.
  Those who signed the above letter may not be aware of the opportunities that will arise after the construction of the Istanbul Canal. If to assume that the Montreux Convention will be shaken or overthrown, then in this case, a certain actions (or the refrain from actions) may be necessary - from Turkey.
  In this situation, Turkey's space goals and plans (creation of a cosmodrome, launching a rocket to the Moon) are quite logical.
  There are not so many powers that are capable of assisting Turkey in implementing these plans. And among these few powers there is one that depends on the Montreux Convention and on the Straits ...
  So, in addition to the Akkuyu project, the Cosmic Bosphorus project may appear.
  Naturally, resources are needed to finance the algorithms of a foreign policy check (cash receipt).
  Tax revenues and budgetary resources lie on the surface. However, now the situation in the economy is tense. Why not add to the well-known resource the new ones?
  Periodically, there are references to a mysterious custom (with the code name "cashback") on the Internet.
  The meaning of this custom, apparently, is as follows. There are influential circles that, in the course of their activities, attract many partners to cooperation. In the first stage, all of these partners collaborate on a vested interest basis. After the cooperation comes to an end, a part of the partners face (meet) the direct or indirect requirement to return the money earned (received) during the cooperation. Naturally, the former partners do not agree with the return (with "cashback"). But the art is to apply skillful pressure...
  If in the Levantine direction there are a huge expenses for the purchase of a foreign policy product, then is it possible to shift part of the expenses from the state budget to individuals, to citizens?
  In this regard, the history of real estate (of the house and land plot in elite cottage village "Novye Veshki"), which was belonged to the famous figure from the Moscow region, very interesting.
  The wealth of the Mytishchi shooter [Богатство "мытищинского стрелка". 02 апреля 2021]. April 02, 2021 became a subject of special interest.
  The fate of both real estate (house and land plot) and the actors (characters) was difficult, somehow ... However, there were those who may have won, those who were financed through a kind of cashback program ...
  Algorithms of a foreign policy check (cash receipt) are relatively new in modern world politics. However, a certain harmony of foreign and domestic policy is not a surprising event.
  [MCLXXXII. Zagogulina of Levant and Vanya Zhukov. The story. - December 21, 2019.
  MDLIX. Russia - Turkey. The purchasing power of a foreign policy check (cash receipt) is decreasing. Essay on the history of foreign policy. - July 13, 2020.
  MDCCLXII. Rosatom and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The note. - October 10, 2020.].
  April 7, 2021 04:30
  Translation from Russian into English: April 7, 2021 05:50
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Левантийский внешнеполитический чек, атомный и космический проекты, таинственный обычай кэшбэка. Очерк внутренней и внешней политики'.
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