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Literatula. A culturological note

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    Literatula. A culturological note.

  Literatula. A culturological note.
  "Oh, these efforts, the thirst for a immediate glory! ... A thin, curving man in a short jacket, in a large ladies' beret of brick color walked quickly along the sidewalk and talked to himself. Insane concern was eating sunken cheeks, sunken eyes. Having read a glimpse of the name of our school , he suddenly stopped and shouted:
   - It can't be! This should not be in nature! You hear? - He shouted not to us, crowded with a frightened bunch at the embankment parapet, but to someone invisible, whom he burned by his hating glance. - LONO Secondary School! What LONO? What is this nonsense? My God, do they understand what they are doing?
  And something else angry, - sparkling with eyes. Suddenly he jumped up on a narrow granite embankment parapet and walked several steps along it with such ease, as if walking along the sidewalk. We froze, the girls screamed in horror. The man in the beret seemed to notice us and, stopping and looking from above, said:
   - Unhappy children!
   Then, with a lunatic step, he ran several meters along the embankment parapet, jumped off and quickly began to move away towards the Moskvoretsky bridge ...
  Madness struck us all. It seemed that walking and even running along the parapet was incredibly easy ...
   It was not that difficult." (Yuri Trifonov. House on the embankment). (Юрий Трифонов. Дом на набережной) [Lono (in Russian language) - About a woman's body: breast or womb, loins. LONO-the Left-bank department of folk education.]
  "The book festival " LiteraTula-2021" was canceled
  When: August 31 at 10:21
  From: D .... K .......... (Publishing and Promotion) i ...... @ l ........ online
  The book festival "LiteraTula-2021" was canceled
  Dear Authors!
  ... On behalf of the organizing committee of the festival, we would like to apologize to all of you .... As soon as new dates are agreed, you will definitely receive a notification.
  Dear friends, do not despair! We will be glad to meet you at the international book fair in Moscow, the Volga Wave festival in Saratov, as well as at other literary events scheduled for next year.
  For all questions, please contact:
  K .......... D .... S ........
  PHONE: 8 (996) ...-...-...
  E-MAIL: i ...... @ l ......... online "
  "They are a huge cranks ... I know you write notes: tell about them in your literature." (Nikolai Gogol. Inspector).
  September 4, 2021 22:14:43
  Translation from Russian into English: September 4, 2021 23:16.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Литератула. Культурологическая заметка".
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