Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A metropolitan Cyborg against the young Fox. A story from Russial realism

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    A metropolitan Cyborg against the young Fox. A story from Russial realism.

  A metropolitan Cyborg against the young Fox. A story from Russial realism.
  A time of youth is a time of waitings and hopes. And if glossy publications tell about young ladies who grabbed a flying luck by the hem of clothes, then why should she be left without her share of sweet happiness?
  He was interesting. His lectures were praised in the student audience. Lectures - it is for suckers. During smoke breaks in the toilet, the girls said in an undertone that he took his mistresses abroad - to Paris and to other interesting European cities.
  She directed her expressive gaze to him. And he invited her to a restaurant.
  Fox did not want to be in a sucker position. She went to the restaurant with her girlfriend. In general, until she made sure that he had an apartment and financial capabilities, there was nothing serious between them.
  Her lover was a fan of young girls. But there is a cart that needs to be pulled, and there is a horse that pulls the cart. His job played a role of a horse.
  It was his job - a research on foreign history - that gave him money, connections, an apartment in the center of the capital, and opportunities for foreign travel.
  Sex - it is not bad employment. But the young mistress must take the right place in his difficult life.
  Fox hesitated ... What will come of this relationship? But, won't she, young and beautiful, be able to oust his wife and children from his life, take the place of his wife and give him new children?
  She is ready to become the wife of an outstanding historian, to live in a luxurious apartment, to ride around Europe, have fun ...
  In the initial period, she is ready to agree with the role of his assistant, studentess. The helper near the Historical Brain.
  He was not just a historian. Unusual energy, knowledge, scientific potential, connections abroad, reputation in foreign scientific circles attracted the attention of a serious people from the capital's elite.
  The historian readily accepted proposals for cooperation. Moreover, this cooperation opened up extraordinary opportunities for him.
  The young Fox, meanwhile, tasted the delights of traveling abroad, of freestyle sex in foreign hotels, but was disappointed by the lack of serious financial tranches (in her favor), by the lack of prospects for shifting to the role of wife, as well as the honorable but burdensome duties of the assistant to the great historian.
  She got her share of a sweet life, a rewarding experience - and that's enough ...
  Choosing a convenient moment, she made a scandal for her adult lover and announced the end of the relationship.
  Suddenly Cyborg tied her to a chair. He turned on the electric iron and brought the hot surface to her face.
  Fox felt an animal fear. Cyborg began to strike sensitive blows on her body. She felt the blows, felt the heat of the iron and heard terrible threats.
  By this time, a lot of money had been invested in Fox. She took the comfortable [for Cyborg] position of a young loveress and scientific assistant-assistant to an outstanding scientist.
  The historian told his capital patrons about the plans of his mistress to part with him, and they instructed him with a laugh how to act in this situation.
  He need to act as if it were a modern production of the fairy tale "Bluebeard".
  The Fox was scared to death. But her nature as a fox and all her previous life experience prompted her to fight for life and freedom.
  She tried to seek help from a law enforcement agencies.
  Cyborg - in this story - is not a technical or a mechanical notion, but a social one.
  Cyborg used his connections, and Fox found herself completely helpless.
  Nevertheless, she continued to resist.
  Cyborg launched a polite offensive on her mother.
  From the standpoint of an ordinary sucker-citizen, the mother should have been outraged. She must sent the applicant for her daughter's body as far away, as it possible.
  But women have an inexplicable intuition. It was a some signal into the mother's heart. She portrayed sympathy for a Cyborg's passion, for his ardent mood, and advised her daughter to continue a close relationship with him. Perhaps she saved her daughter from big troubles.
  Fox continued her relationship with Cyborg. But she didn't leave an escape plans. She was planning the parting and was preparing for it.
  A stream of events came to her aid - a life itself.
  Cyborg, as we remember, is not a technical notion, but a social one.
  The capital's patrons of Cyborg lost power and began to crumble. At the same time, Cyborg's social exoskeleton began to fall into disrepair.
  He began to return to the position of an ordinary, albeit outstanding, scholar-historian.
  Fox chose a convenient moment. In a crowded place, in the place of meetings and parting - at the railway station - in the presence of representatives of various kinds of law enforcement agencies overseeing the station, she again announced the end of the relationship.
  The former Cyborg was unable to create serious obstacles to a new breakup attempt. Fox succeeded to ran away.
  She was recalling with horror the period of her relationship with Cyborg.
  The eminent scientist-historian reflected - what did this young woman lack? Next to her is an outstanding person. She is busy with interesting work. She lives in a safe and comfortable conditions. She travels abroad.
  He had to restrain his anger, pretend to be calm and patient - the metropolitan patrons already lost their power of high level.
  Fox was relieved to become an ordinary girl - with an ordinary circle of acquaintances and a standard sphere of interests. She even liked the position of an ordinary girl.
  The former Cyborg returned to the life of a scientist. An outstanding scientist, but without serious prospects. Life around him changed more and more....
  In the upcoming events, Prankero-Cyborg was in place of historian, and the eminent scientist himself was in the place of Fox.
  Prankero-Cyborg has crushed an outstanding scientist. And with pleasure he executed a symbolical dance onto the remains of reputation of eminent historian.
  A new round in the fate of the outstanding historian became a world famous. Fox recalled with horror her almost hopeless struggle against Cyborg and she thanked her mother - a wise woman who duly paid attention the signals of feminine intuition ...
  September 18, 2020 20:23
  Translation from Russian into English: September 18, 2020 07:52.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Столичный Киборг против юной Лисички. Рассказ из российского реализма'.
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