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Mystical Moliere. A literary note about the book by Alexei Varlamov "Mikhail Bulgakov"

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    Mystical Moliere. A literary note about the book by Alexei Varlamov "Mikhail Bulgakov".

  Mystical Moliere. A literary note about the book by Alexei Varlamov "Mikhail Bulgakov".
  The material, which was used by the author, is enormous. The information is placed in the text harmoniously, with uniform density. The book is easy to read.
  I found the author's reasoning about the mystical role of Moliere in the fate of Bulgakov interesting. The author did not reach the notion "reincarnation" ...
  Is Bulgakov caught up [submerged and attached] into Moliere?
  Bulgakov complained a lot and often about life, about fate ... Nevertheless, he had three marriages, during his lifetime he published a lot, during his lifetime he became a widely (world) famous writer, received a three-room Moscow apartment for free. For most (or a significant) part of his life, he had a significant, stable writing (or near-literary) income.
  He was neither in exile, nor in prison. There was one interrogation ...
  Moliere did not release the play "Moliere", but he was suppling Bulgakov with servile energy in the minimum required volume ...
  "... the author of the White Guard did not declare a word about his desire to serve the revolution, confining himself only to recognizing the grandeur of this event. Further, Zamyatin, albeit indirectly, repented for some of his works (including the unnamed but implied novel "We"), Bulgakov - for none of his creations [literary works]. " (Alexei Varlamov "Mikhail Bulgakov").
  In the book of Alexei Varlamov, the word "banquet", "banquets" is pronounced several times ... For example, in Olga Trifonova's book "The only one" ["The Only one woman"] - about Stalin's wife - the word "banquet" is pronounced once - on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of October ...
  Bulgakov was on the line of Soviet-USA contacts ... He was often invited to the US Embassy ... Maybe Stalin used the figure of the author of the "White Guard" as a hint? ... World War II will come, and shoulder straps will be restored in the Red Army ... Russians and American soldiers will shake hands on the Elbe ...
  About Bulgakov's admission to the Writers' Union, about the First Congress of Writers (1934) and about Bulgakov's participation or non-participation in this Congress - there are a dot mentions in the book, but there is practically no information. (The verbatim record of the First Congress of Soviet Writers seems to lack the surname "Bulgakov") ...
  "Both on the mother"s side and on the father"s side, Bulgakov came from a priest family ..." (Alexei Varlamov "Mikhail Bulgakov").
  A well written, easy to read, informative, useful, interesting book ...
  September 11, 2020 09:25
  Translation from Russian into English: September 11, 2020 10:02.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Мистический Мольер. Литературная заметка о книге Алексея Варламова "Михаил Булгаков"".
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