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Mystical version of Karin Muller's mission in Vietnam in 1995. Reflections on the book "hitchhiking Vietnam" by Karin Muller

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    Mystical version of Karin Muller's mission in Vietnam in 1995. Reflections on the book "Hitchhiking Vietnam" by Karin Muller.

  Mystical version of Karin Muller's mission in Vietnam in 1995. Reflections on the book "Hitchhiking Vietnam" by Karin Muller.
  "In Shapa, I was greeted by streets hung with red flags and a procession of elderly men in military uniforms. They were decorated with old medals. The twentieth anniversary of the fall of Saigon was celebrated... " [unofficial translation]
  Saigon was taken on April 30, 1975.
  Consequently, Karin Muller's journey took place in 1995.
  The duration of her trip is seven months.
  Karin Muller's book was published in 1998 (Published March 1st 1998 by Globe Pequot).
  It can be assumed that the writing of the book took from 1 to 3 years.
  Why did Karin Muller head to Vietnam? Why did she write a book about Vietnam?
  I have formulated several versions for myself to answer these questions.
  Most of all I like the mystical version.
  Karin Muller had to pass the test, she had to do something very important, she had to fulfill her potential as a writer.
  Karin Muller has passed all the tests.
  How did her journey around Vietnam end?
  The final part of her book seems to be incomplete.
  How did her trip to Vietnam finished? Do she still continue contacts with someone from Vietnam? Did she return to Vietnam (at least, once)? Did she want to visit Vietnam again?
  Did her relationship continue with any of the Westerners she met in Vietnam?
  Did she keep her health after the trip?
  There is a mention of diseases: "Diseases and injuries: once I ran into a bamboo stick, caught a cold five times, had anemia, giardiasis, scurvy, burned myself a hundred times on a motorcycle, completely ruined my long hair." [unofficial translation]
  Test result: Karin Muller survived. Her memory is filled with a wide variety of memories. Perhaps her self-esteem increased due to the fact that she withstood the tests sent to her and did good deeds.
  The book is written. Many people read it with interest.
  Karin Muller has become a famous and popular writer. (Literary Awards: Independent Publisher Book Award (IPPY) Nominee for Travel (Finalist) (1999)).
  The final part of her book allows us to summarize the "material part" of her journey.
  "The entire trip, including flights and visas, excluding the cost of photo and video cameras, cost about six thousand dollars." "Bought: 23 raw rubies." [unofficial translation]
  One of the rubies was worth $ 500 (price of seller before the bargaining process between seller and buyer) and weighed two pounds (approximately 0.8 kg or 800 grams). [According to the agreement dated July 1, 1959, the international pound is equal to 0.45359237 kg].
  "But the main thing was that I found my place. I realized the value of what I left at home, and I understood why it means so much to me. " [unofficial translation]
  On the whole, this is an interesting book, albeit with a weak final part. A good example of a book written after a difficult and heavy journey.
  This book is certainly useful for broadening any reader"s world view.
  Karin Muller did everything that was required of her. She received a gift, retribution (recompense), compensation for the suffering she endured.
  September 27, 2021 08:44
  Translation from Russian into English: September 27, 2021 10:13.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Мистическая версия миссии Карин Мюллер во Вьетнаме в 1995 году. Размышления о книге Карин Мюллер "Мутные воды Меконга"".
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