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New script for the Institute of Theater on Kosti-Nf. A story

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    MMMDXVII. New script for the Institute of Theater on Kosti-NF. A story. - July 15, 2024.

  New script for the Institute of Theater on Kosti-NF. A story.
  - We, our radio station, received a good order, said Mrs. Quicktalker to Mr. Wintertund.
  - Give me the details!
  - Our intellectual sponsor set in motion both the team from the Institute of Theater and Frol Gitis himself!
  - How did he activate them?
  - His thoughts about the mass training of actresses in the capital's universities (institutes) led to the fact that some influential people requested a certificate about the number of actresses graduating from the capital's institutes every year, and the number of actresses who are hired every year in the capital's theaters.
  Mr. Wintertund sighed heavily.
  - Now this document circulates in different intellectual circles, different people read it. There has been an increased demand for student actresses, - Mrs. Quicktalker explained.
  Mr. Wintertund cleared his throat in embarrassment.
  - Frol set the gears in motion and created in the Institute of Theater of the Dramaturgy Department (Department of Drama Writing), to show the fact that at this Institute they not only properly train student actresses, but also cultivate future Shakespeares. Therefore, the flow of public money to the Institute of Theater needs to be increased.
  - Who will train future Shakespeares? Homer, perhaps? - Mr. Wintertund asked. - The the Writers' Institute will be without a job, thanks such efforts. In general, we need to talk now not about Shakespeare or Homer, but about Ostrovsky and Arbuzov.
  - They found a woman who wrote the script for a film about Frol, and appointed this woman as head of the Dramaturgy Department of the Institute of Theater (Master of Drama Writing). And the Writers' Institute will carry out new renovations - it has its own tasks. Ogarev's mansion must be preserved like the apple of his eye.
  - So this woman (Master of Drama), she is not a professor, not a doctor of literary criticism. What a salary will she receive for her work at the Institute of Theater? - Mr. Wintertund clarified.
  - She's used to earn a little. She says that certain theaters are trying to save money on writers, that such theatres are pinching kopecks. So she doesn't always earn even kopecks, - Mrs. Quicktalker explained.
  - Let her work. When she puts everything on the right rails, - this will take five or six years, - after one or two annual student graduations will be carried out, she will no longer be needed, - she will be sent on sabbatical so that she can write a script about the heyday of the Institute of Theater. And in her place, to head the Dramaturgy Department, they will put someone from the Frol's close entourage, Mr. Wintertund began to think out loud. - By this time (through the right people) they will knock out a separate line in the Budget Law for the Dramaturgy Department.
  - Well, so far she has no thoughts about her (own) prospects, she is a creative person, narcissistic, values herself highly, and will work like an ox to maintain her reputation, said Mrs. Quicktalker. - And we must help the new initiative, give advertising. We are preparing an interview with the woman - Master of Drama Writing. She will be praising on air both the profession of a playwright (a drama writer) and this new Dramaturgy Department in the Institute of Theater.
  - We need to help people, Mr. Wintertund agreed. - How will they pay to us?
  - They will give us, our employees, several state-funded places for future students at the Institute of Theater (with an informal guarantee of issuing diplomas with honors).
  - Let they send student actresses to our radio station for internships, Mr. Wintertund added.
  - I think it's not a problem, Mrs. Quicktalker answered.
  - Then let's get to work. Thanks to our intellectual sponsor.
  - Yes, he makes brains working, activates ingenuity, Mrs. Quicktalker agreed, leaving Mr. Wintertund's office.
  'I remember a wonderful moment...' Mr. Wintertund began to dream out loud.
  July 15, 2024 01:33
  Translation from Russian into English: July 15, 2024 13:32
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Новый сценарий для Института Театра на Кости-NF. Рассказ '.
  { 3546. Новый сценарий для Института Театра на Кости-NF. Рассказ. - 15 июля 2024 г.
  MMMDXVII. New script for the Institute of Theater on Kosti-NF. A story. - July 15, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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