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No combinations of red and white colors. "Spring in Lida". Trends in Belarusian fine arts during the Lukashenko's regime. The note

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    No combinations of red and white colors. "Spring in Lida". Trends in Belarusian fine arts during the Lukashenko's regime. The note.

  No combinations of red and white colors. "Spring in Lida". Trends in Belarusian fine arts under the Lukashenko's regime. The note.
  The creative life in Belarus does not stop.
  The Lukashenko's regime cares about its reputation as a patron of art.
  There are figures that characterize the scope of the repression. And there are facts and figures confirming that art in modern Belarus continues to develop.
  Influenced by our interest in the work of Belarusian artists, we had read two internet materials about the exhibition of members of the Eurasian artistic community called "Spring in Lida". (Http:// ( / 2021/04/16 / v-lide-otkrylas-vystavka-chlenov-evraziyskogo-hudozhestvennogo-sodruzhestva-vesna-v-lide /? Utm_source = yxnews & utm_medium = desktop)
  It was necessary, too, to read materials about this Eurasian Commonwealth:
  'The creative community of the Eurasian Art Union is one of the existing cultural platforms, on the basis of which a large number of various events are held, which serve for interesting leisure in Moscow.
  The creative community of the Eurasian Art Union is located at the address: Yakimanka district, Krymsky Val, 8 k2, next to the Oktyabrskaya metro station. " (
  Registration date
  Legal address
  109129, Moscow, Malyshev street, building 2, apartment 35
  Bulk registration address
  15 more organizations at this address
  A leaders
  Vice President
  Fedorovich Leonid Alexandrovich
  from September 6, 2016
  The president
  Filkov Fedor
  from September 6, 2016
  Head of several organizations" (
  What can be said about the works of artists presented at the exhibition "Spring in Lida", if you focus on photographs from the exhibition?
  Suppose that the artists presented at the exhibition are related to Lida, and not to Yakimanka or Malyshev.
  We liked some of the paintings.
  Some just look weakly.
  But, those that look laxly, you can either ignore, or explain their relevance by the secrets of art (many people do not understand the ugly, disproportionate, unattractive "creations", the purpose of which, probably, to make the life of contemporaries even more bleak, more sour, more bitter ... to add an evil absurdity to this life ...).
  The style of insignificance, unpleasantness, of mocking debility - under the guise of the "secrets" of artistic expression and freedom of artistic creativity - this style manifests itself in different countries and under different circumstances. Creative and sub-creative persons are pushing through this style into the mass audience under various pretexts. The audience feel herself confusing and silently swallows, overcoming own unpleasant emotions ...
  We must pay tribute to the exhibition "Spring in Lida". The style of insignificance, unpleasantness, mocking moronicity in the presented works is almost not felt. The inertia of the general high historical cultural level of Belarus exist. Nothing of the extreemly bad. It's just that some of the paintings look weakly.
  But some paintings even are not bad ones, at all.
  All paintings - of those that are visible in photographs - have a common property.
  All of them are without a combination of red and white colors.
  It seems to us that dark green, light brown, gray (of various shades) colors have the advantage.
  Not less interesting, along with creative works, could be a financial certificate - a certificate of financial support for the exhibition "Spring in Lida". It is quite possible that snowdrops or other interesting artistic elements would decorate this document.
  In general, the Lukashenko's regime cares about art and about a positive, humane reputation.
  [MDCCCLXXXIV. Forward, Anna! From luboks up to Botticelli. A super-brief review of Anna Redko's paintings. - December 7, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXXV. Dark colors, overcrowded spaces, distorted images. A super-brief review of Vladislav Stalmakhov's drawings. - December 7, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXXVI. A sadness, a beautness, a something from Dostoevsky (Drawings from the House of the Dead) ... A super-brief review of Nadezhda Sayapina's drawings. - January 14, 2021.
  MCMLI. Belarusian artist Shchemelev and the leader of the uprising Kalinowski. An essay. - January 14, 2021.
  MCMLXXXIII. A super-short review of the film 'Boris Zaborov. In A Search of the Lost Time' (2015). - February 1, 2021.
  MMI. A cultured people of Evgeny Kharitonenko with some kind of secret, Ivan IV Vasilyevich and "Baltarusia". The note. - February 9, 2021.].
  April 17, 2021 06:48
  Translation from Russian into English: April 17, 2021 12:09
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Без сочетаний красного и белого. 'Весна в Лиде'. Тенденции белорусского изобразительного искусства в период режима Лукашенко. Заметка'.
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