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Novocherkassk - Belarus - Konchalovsky. The note

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    Novocherkassk - Belarus - Konchalovsky. The note.

  Novocherkassk - Belarus - Konchalovsky. The note.
  Someday (in the future) a film will be shown at the international film festival - how a "film money" is laundered, and - at the same time - a history is laundered - from a blood ...
  Now there is news about the 77th Venice Film Festival.
  'On 28 July [2020], the list of films that have entered the main competition of the Venice Film Festival this year was announced. The legendary film screening will take place from 2 to 12 September on Lido Island and will be the first major international film event in months. Among the contenders for the "Golden Lion" - 18 films, including the film "Dear Comrades!", shot by the classic of Russial cinema Andrei Konchalovsky.
  ... The main heroine of the film is the party committee worker Lyudmila (Yulia Vysotskaya), who is responsible for ideological work, receives food rations in the special department of the grocery store, and is quite sincerely indignant at the behavior of the factory troublemakers. But when her teenage daughter disappears in a massacre on the square, the harmonious picture of the world of a convinced communist collapses overnight, and within just a day she will have to witness cleansings, arrests, interrogations and anonymous burials
  Director: Andrey Konchalovsky
  General Producer: Alisher Usmanov
  Executive producer: Olesya Gidrat
  Script writers: Andrey Konchalovsky, Elena Kiseleva
  Director of photography: Andrey Naydenov
  Set Designer: Irina Ochina
  Costume Designer: Konstantin Mazur
  Cast: Yulia Vysotskaya, Vladislav Komarov, Andrey Gusev, Sergey Erlish, Yulia Burova. " [unofficial translation] (
  I explain again.
  The main thing in the theme of "Novocherskassk events of 1962" is not a contrast between the dark and light sides of life. A similar contrast exists to some extent in any era and in any society.
  The main thing is the question - how, approximately 17 years after the end of the nationwide Great Patriotic War, the army directed its weapons against its own people? How did some forces manage to step over morality, to step over history ...
  How did it happen that the victorious army directed its weapons against its own people - the people who also fought against fascism? Who managed to organize this and how? How was the anti-Hitler ideology (characteristic of the anti-Hitler coalition of the Allied Powers) replaced in this incident by an anti-popular ideology? ..
  Initially it was reported that the cost of the film is 150 million rubles ...
  A big money...
  It would seem that there are fewer and fewer useful idiots in the West ...
  [MDCXII. Andrei Konchalovsky's film of Vladimir Medinsky's era about Novocherkassk events. An essay on the history of filmmaking. - August 3, 2020.]
  September 5, 2020 2020 11:27
  Translation from Russian into English: September 5, 2020 11:54.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Новочеркасск - Белоруссия - Кончаловский. Заметка'.
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