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Nozdryov and Chichikov are playing checkers. A note about the return of cosmonaut Krikalev to a managerial position

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    Nozdryov and Chichikov are playing checkers. A note about the return of cosmonaut Krikalev to a managerial position.

  Nozdryov and Chichikov are playing checkers. A note about the return of cosmonaut Krikalev to a managerial position.
  To do the plot sharp, I would preffer to portray the case in such a way that the conceived film (with the participation of famous figures) is completely unacceptable.
  And if this project is absolutely harmful for Russial cosmos, then this project should be resisted no matter what.
  And if to resist is necessary - in spite of everything, - then the respected cosmonaut Krikalev missed a unique opportunity to declare his position. He could - relying on public opinion - declare: "I will not return to the staff chair - until the film project is destroyed (that is, - canceled)."
  However - with many arguments against this film and recognizing the harmfulness of the project itself - I, nevertheless, cannot say with a clear conscience that this project is harmful to such an extent that it needs to be resisted no matter what.
  He is harmful, but not so harmful that the respected Hero Krikalev - relying on public opinion - stood against the project of this film, - without any retreat from position on one millimetr.
  In fact, the project of this film is an act, reminiscent of the shooting of a famous film in the period when the 100th mark of the wide-known event was approaching.
  Naughty children in an unnecessary place spray something unpleasantly smelling from a can - well ... it's not that important ...
  In general, the respected cosmonaut Krikalev - seemingly without loud statements - returned to his leadership chair. (With the project of the film - so far - nothing happened. The project - so far - has not been canceled.).
  Is this good or bad?
  I am not going to discuss this question. The topic of my note is whether it made sense to oppose the filming of a dubious film on the ISS.
  It seems that the film is not so harmful ... if he is harmful, but not to the level of uncompromising protests ...
  Nevertheless, at the end of this little history, I recall the game of Nozdryov with Chichikov in checkers.
  Nozdryov tried to persuade Chichikov for a long time, he did not agree. Finally, the game began.
  "- No, brother, it seems you are a writer, but only unsuccessfully trying.
  - Who do you think I am? - said Nozdryov. - Am I really going to cheat?
  - If you would play, as befits an honest person. But now I can't.
  - But! So, you can't? You scoundrel! When you saw that it wasn"t yours win, you now can"t! Hit him! - he shouted frantically, ordering to Porfiry and Pavlushka, and he himself grabbed a long pipe for smoking made of cherry wood... "
  June 24, 2021 08:10
  Translation from Russian into English: June 24, 2021 17:47
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Ноздрёв и Чичиков играют в шашки. Заметка о возвращении космонавта Крикалёва к руководящей должности".
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