Аннотация: MMMDCXXV. Pal Palych. From stories about the Politburo. - March 4, 2025.
Pal Palych. From stories about the Politburo.
October 20, 1980. An extraordinary meeting of the Politburo.
The Chairman:
- Dear Comrades, we have one question at this extraordinary meeting. A certain uchastkovy [district policeman] (according to the documents, he is known as "Pal Palych") collected documents about the circumstances of the death of the singer (whom you know), V.
[Pal Palych - shortened version of Pavel Pavlovich (the name and patronymic)]
Pal Palych handed these documents over to the investigative authorities. According to these documents, V., known to you, began to run amok, his friends wrapped him tightly in a sheet and carried him out to the balcony, where V. died of hypothermia and vasospasm.
The situation is complicated by the fact that the wife of the famous singer V. is the French citizen and she permanently resides abroad.
What are your opinions, comrades?
- The imperialists, after our successful Olympics, are testing our strength!
- Did Pal Palych have any contacts with Govorukhin and other cultural figures from the Union of Cinematographers or the Union of Writers, or from other creative circles?
The Chairman:
- No, such contacts have not been recorded yet, comrades.
- We need to act more boldly, to be proactive! Connect to this situation our Soviet television!
- To produce a weekly TV show "Uncle Stepa is investigating"! Our Soviet people need this for a proper look at our Soviet reality!
[A kind, positive character "by the surname of Stepanov and by the name of Stepan" helps firefighters, serves in the navy (battleship "Marat"), works as a policeman. The distinctive features of Uncle Styopa are very large height, love for children, positive character traits.]
- Comrades! We must act in a Marxist, Leninist way! Remember Vladimir Ilyich's classic work "The Development of Capitalism in Russia." It follows from this work that the working class and the working peasantry constitute the majority, while the exploiting classes are the minority. Consequently, the victory of the proletariat and the working people is inevitable.
All Soviet people are well aware of the poems about Uncle Stepa. But using Lenin's approach, we must show not just Uncle Stepa, who opposes numerous criminal elements, but, on the contrary, several fighters for law and order, who are opposed by (to) a separate (single, lone) criminal element, accidental for a socialist society.
- "Uncle Styopa is investigating" - this name to take as a basis. But with the necessary adjustments. "The investigation is being conducted by experts (connoisseurs, knowledgeable professionals)" - that would be in the Leninist, Marxist way of thinking, comrades!
- That's right!
- Support!
The Chairman:
- Will there be any objections, comrades?
No one objects.
The Chairman:
- The decision has been made. And what are we going to do about Pal Palych?
- We must act strictly, but fairly, in a Leninist way!
The Chairman:
- We have information that a university student wearing a T-shirt with the image of singers of a foreign rock band (rock band from the UK) visited Pal Palych's apartment. We have no information about Pal Palych's remark to a student wearing such the T-shirt. Was the enemy attack, the enemy swoop repulsed? The issue is being handled by the party control commission.
- Reprimand, with entry into the account card!
- Figure it out as thoroughly as possible!
- We must stop the influence of enemy propaganda on our Soviet society!
The Chairman:
- Very well, comrades. I propose not to draw up the protocol (minutes) of our meeting today, but to limit ourselves to a draft of the protocol (handwritten preliminary notes on the issues of the upcoming discussion) with the following text:
"The meeting of the P.
Present: A., B. and C.
The issue on the agenda: the direction of ideological forces to the front of the struggle against imperialist influence in the light of unfavorable trends in the field of culture.
Decided: to strengthen the struggle against the influence of imperialism, colonialism and hegemonism.
Signature (illegible)."
Any objections, comrades? No. Accepted. Thank you for your work, comrades. The issue related to Pal Palych's appeal to the investigative authorities with the documents he collected about the circumstances of V.'s death has been reviewed by us. I ask everyone to return to their duties.
The participants of the extraordinary meeting return to their offices.
March 4, 2025, 12:51 (12:51 p.m.)
Translation from Russian into English: March 4, 2025 18:59
Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Пал Палыч. Из рассказов о Политбюро. '.
{ 3654. Пал Палыч. Из рассказов о Политбюро. - 4 марта 2025 г.
MMMDCXXV. Pal Palych. From stories about the Politburo. - March 4, 2025.
Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}