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Pearl-colored water. A diary note

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    MMMDXX. Pearl-colored water. A diary note. - July 19, 2024.

  Pearl-colored water. A diary note.
  Since the beginning of the week, I planned to visit the lake (on the site of a former sand quarry), located five kilometers from the Aksai Bridge (Rostov-on-Don, The Don River, near the city of Aksai). If you look at the map, then this lake - it has no name.
  I used to go there quite often (in the past).
  Public transport is not noticeable there. Visitors have the possibility to get there on foot or by bike (if they don't use a car), but it is not comfortable: such people need to walk (or to drive by bike) along the side of a high-speed highway. Although I have come here several times by bike (as well as by car).
  It was a fairly democratic place where truckers and car drivers stopped to relax.
  This morning I had a convenient opportunity, and I headed to this lake.
  A fresh breeze and beautiful views set me up in a positive way.
  A little confusion with the pointers. May be, at last, this is the needed place!
  A solid fence. The gates are closed. There is no way to get to the shore.
  I hope to get to the shore of the lake.
  The barrier, the announcement. For a reasonable fee, I can walk to the shore.
  I walk along the sand, I approach the water.
  The water is clear, pearl-colored. The bottom is visible about two meters from the edge of the shore. Further, the depth increases sharply, and only pearl-colored water is visible.
  The fenced space is filled with people by 5 percent. This is understandable. It's the early morning now. Canvas gazebos are visible: closed from the scorching rays of the Sun (from above and from four sides). But now, in the early morning, no one uses them. There are no trees on the sandy shore.
  White plastic sun beds are placed next the water.
  I put my things on the sun bed, undress, I am going into the water.
  The water is cool and pleasant. I swam a short distance. I would like to return to Rostov before the heat, so I do not plan to stay here (for a long time).
  I swam a little more. I am heading back ashore.
  New visitors are appearing. People bring their elderly relatives here by car. Relatives cheerfully, swaying a little, tend to approach the water.
  It's good now, morning.
  When the real heat will come, someone will go home, and someone will be placed in a gazebo, closed from all sides from the Sun.
  Fenced spaces and beaches are visible in the distance. Everything, at first glance, is clean, fresh, as it should be for everything in the morning. The former quarry (the lake) is not connected to any water objects, and industrial pollution does not seem to threaten it.
  I'm dressing.
  And how to get back to Rostov? I have to think about it.
  The driver decides on the route of the return trip, and we rush to Rostov, blown by a fresh breeze.
  We returned to Rostov early enough, before the heat set in. The mood is great.
  I headed to the lake out (from) the deserted streets, and now they are filled with pedestrians and vehicles. So far, the 40-degree heat (promised in the forecast) has not come.
  (Periodically negligible Internet speed. I may have to post this note later on one of the Internet services.)
  July 19, 2024 09:09
  Translation from Russian into English: July 21, 2024 01:35
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Перламутровая вода. Дневниковая заметка ".
  { 3549. Перламутровая вода. Дневниковая заметка. - 19 июля 2024 года.
  MMMDXX. Pearl-colored water. A diary note. - July 19, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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