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Rosatom and the positive results of the global economy. An economic essay

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    Rosatom and the positive results of the global economy. An economic essay.

  Rosatom and the positive results of the global economy. An economic essay.
  Today, Russial citizens have learned that Rosatom's activities are beneficial to the global economy.
  Indeed, from the books by Boris Chertok, we can learn about the feeling of slight envy of specialists in rocketry and in cosmonautics in relation to the workers of nuclear industry. The specialists in rocketry had a reflections about the unique financial and social position of the nuclear industry.
  So, the created infrastructure, which came at the disposal of Rosatom, generates a kind of technological rent.
  In addition to technological rent, Rosatom has the ability to formulate and put forward positive projects of a general nature. Absolutely fantastic state money is allocated for these positive projects. The general public has practically no information about the effectiveness of this fantastic state money. And is this efficiency required? The main thing is that the money was spent on the right ideas: "Development of the North", "Northern Sea Route" and the like.
  So, technological rent and fantastic state money allow Rosatom to carry out active activities that change some economic parameters in remote, inaccessible territories.
  Of course, the small peoples of the North are not the main beneficiaries of this vigorous activity.
  We will not do a statements that the main beneficiary is the Chinese economy. For such a statement, we do not have enough information, data.
  But it seems close to the truth that the main beneficiaries are raw materials companies operating in remote, inaccessible regions. If so, then relying on the economic efforts of Rosatom, commodity companies are able to maneuver prices and strive for some success in world markets.
  Getting of relatively cheap raw materials will certainly have a positive impact on the global economy.
  While trying to create a consistent system of assumptions and statements, we can imagine how Rosatom is acting for the benefit of the global economy.
  Since Russia is part of the world economy, it should be grateful to Rosatom and the vigorous activity of this corporation. Turkey must also say "thank you".
  August 4, 2021 17:28
  Translation from Russian into English: August 4, 2021 18:07.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Росатом и польза мировой экономике. Очерк'.
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