The collection of letters and postcards "After 48 years: Postal documents of the participants of the battle of November 20, 1941 - the fight on Rostov-Gora". An archival essay
Аннотация: The collection of letters and postcards "After 48 years: Postal documents of the participants of the battle of November 20, 1941 - the fight on Rostov-Gora". An archival essay.
The collection of letters and postcards "After 48 years: Postal documents of the participants of the battle of November 20, 1941 - the fight on Rostov-Gora". An archival essay.
After the publication in the Molot newspaper - "... (Vladimir Vasilievich Zalessky "... There was a battle on the square" ("Molot", issue nomber 108 (20197) of May 9, 1989, on page 3)) [MMDCCCXLV. There was a battle in a history. Vladimir Vasilievich makes an attempt to save the history of the defense of Rostov-on-Don in November 1941. An archival essay. - March 25, 2022] - the participants of the events exchanged letters, postcards, met in person. I have already mentioned (earlier in other essays) several letters.
It seems advisable to make a list of available letters.
This list can be conditionally divided into three parts.
The first part is those mail documents that have a date, or that can be dated based on text.
The second part is those postal documents that cannot be dated. Either there is no postmark, or the date on the stamp is illegible. The text contains no information that would allow the date of the postal item.
The third part is a draft of Vladimir Vasilievich Zalessky's appeal to A. Vlasov. As well as a letter from the Regional Committee of the CPSU and the corresponding envelope. [MMDCCCXLVIII. Vladimir Vasilievich writes a letter to the patriot of the Soviet Motherland, comrade Vlasov A.V. An archival essay. - March 27, 2022]
Perhaps the list will be expanded later.
1. May 19, 1989. A letter dated May 19, 1989 from Leonid Starodubtsev [MMDCCCLXXIX. Vladimir Vasilievich writes to the newspaper a story about the capture of Field Marshal Paulus. An archival essay. - April 12, 2022].
2. June 13, 1989. A letter dated June 13, 1989 from Leonid Starodubtsev (with envelope). [MMCMXVI. Comrades in arms fought on Rostov-Gora on November 20, 1941. The letter by Leonid Starodubtsev dated June 13, 1989. An archival essay. - April 29, 2022].
3. July 15, 1989. A letter from Georgy Lebedev dated July 15, 1989. ("receiving a parcel from you. For which, with all my heart. Thank you very much." "I suppose to visit ... my friend, veteran Leonid Starodubtsev, on the 25th of July. We will pick up Leonid Trofimovich, we will arrive in Rostov-Don, where we will meet you..."
4. August 3, 1989. A letter from Leonid Starodubtsev dated August 3, 1989. (Gratitude for a well-organized meeting in Rostov with Associate Professor Zalessky, for the "wonderful reception"). (Mentioned "associate professor Zalessky, who defended Rostov-Gora"). (The mention: "from the newspaper "Molot" met three soldiers"). ("We will be happy to write. Our dear comrades in arms.")
(The letter also contains complaints about the poor living conditions of Leonid Starodubtsev and members of his family and the lack of an effective response from the local authorities to the requests of Leonid Starodubtsev to provide comfortable housing for him, a disabled veteran of the Great Patriotic War, and his members families).
5. September 21, 1989 Receipt dated September 21, 1989, confirming the post addressed to Lebedev.
6. October 5, 1989 Letter from Leonid Starodubtsev dated October 5, 1989. "I"m waiting the apartment for my daughter and a one-room apartment for me. As soon as we get an apartment, we will inform you with a telegram. We will get dried fish [is considered to be a good food in the Don region] and come to you for a day.
7. A notification of the delivery of a postal item (sent on December 20, 1989), with a receipt [sign] from Georgy Lebedev (he received on December 30, 1989).
8. December 28, 1989. A receipt dated December 28, 1989, confirming the sending of the post addressed to Lebedev.
9. A postcard without a stamp from Leonid Starodubtsev [December 1989]. Congratulations on the upcoming 1990.
10. A postcard without a stamp from Georgy Lebedev [December 1989]. Congratulations on the upcoming 1990.
11. An envelope with a postmark and the date 05.03.91 (return address - Leonid Starodubtsev). Two photographs are enclosed in the envelope - Georgy Lebedev (dated May 09, 1985) and Leonid Starodubtsev.
12. Receipts dated September 12, 1991 (numbers 763 and 764) confirming registered mails sent to Starodubtsev and Lebedev.
13. April 22, 1995. From Lebedev Georgy Andreevich - congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the Victory. A postcard dated April 22, 1995, and an envelope.
14. December 26, 1995. Postcard enclosed in an envelope from Georgy Lebedev. Congratulations on the New Year 1996. On the envelope is a postmark with the date December 26, 1995.
15. A postcard from Leonid Starodubtsev with gratitude for the "good warm welcome" and with some reminiscences. There is no date.
16. An envelope sent by Georgy Lebedev without a stamp. There is no date.
17. A postcard from Georgy Lebedev no date, no stamp, no envelope. Congratulations on May 1 and May 9.
18. A postcard from Georgy Lebedev, no date, no stamp, no envelope. Congratulations on the October holiday.
19. A draft of the address of Zalessky V.Vas. to the first secretary of the Rostov Regional Committee of the CPSU comrade. Vlasov A.V. (pencil note: November 28, 1984).
20. A reply (dated December 06, 1984 number 3-12261 / 02) (signed by the Head of the Department of Propaganda and Agitation of the Regional Committee of the CPSU G. Taranukha) to Zalessky Vladimir Vasilyevich (with an envelope).
This is, at the moment, the list of postal documents.
As a comparison of number 4 of August 3, 1989 and number 6 of October 5, 1989 (from the above list) shows, the publication in the Molot newspaper, a meeting in Rostov-on-Don (in the apartment of the Zalesskys) between July 25, 1989 and 3 August 1989, photographs of the participants in the battle (battle which took place on November 20, 1941), photographs - taken by Zalessky Vladimir Vasilievich and sent to the participants of the meeting - all these actions may have had a certain positive practical effect.
[MCCСLXXVI. Vladimir Vasilievich, the Holmes method and a sailor in a train. The story. - April 8, 2020.
MCCСLXXXV. Vladimir Vasilievich and the first occupation of Rostov-on-Don (in November 1941). The story. - April 9, 2020.
MCCСLXXXVI. Vladimir Vasilievich and the Georgian city of Gori. The story. - April 9, 2020.
MCCСLXXXVII. Vladimir Vasilievich in Kazakhstan. The story. - April 10, 2020.
MDCXLIX. Vladimir Vasilievich and Vuchetich. A historical note. - August 16, 2020.
MMXVIII. Vladimir Vasilievich and the hunt (for scientific achievements). A story. - February 18, 2021.
MMXXV. Vladimir Vasilievich and the financing of defense from the family budget. A story. - February 21, 2021.
MMLXXXVI. A card game, a shoulder straps, a one kopeck of the State Bank. A story. - March 26, 2021.
MMСCXVII. Vladimir Vasilievich, the boxer and the participant in controlled conflicts. A story. - June 16, 2021.
MMDCIV. Vladimir Vasilievich talks about visiting the NKVD in 1937. A story. - December 20, 2021.
MMDCCXCIV. Vladimir Vasilievich and an employee of SMERSH (in connection of the joint safeguard of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant). A story. - February 25, 2022.
MMDCCCXXXVII. Vasily Alexandrovich writes a certificate for the NKVD. Archive essay. - March 22, 2022.
MMDCCCXLV. There was a battle in a history. Vladimir Vasilievich makes an attempt to save the history of the defense of Rostov-on-Don in November 1941. An archival essay. - March 25, 2022.
MMDCCCXLVIII. Vladimir Vasilievich writes a letter to the patriot of the Soviet Motherland, comrade Vlasov A.V. An archival essay. - March 27, 2022.
MMDCCCLII. A happiness and a luck of the defender of Rostov-on-Don (in November 1941), 56 Army commander Remezov. A historical essay. - March 29, 2022.
MMDCCCLXXIX. Vladimir Vasilievich writes to the newspaper a story about the capture of Field Marshal Paulus. An archival essay. - April 12, 2022.
MMDCCCLXXXIV. Vasily Alexandrovich writes the autobiography. An archival essay. - April 14, 2022.
MMDCCCLXXXVI. Vasily Alexandrovich studies in the North Caucasus State University, Vladimir Vasilievich writes a book about piezoelectrics. An archival essay. - April 15, 2022.].
MMCMVI. Vladimir Vasilievich, out of patriotic motives, works in favour of the Soviet Motherland. (The employment book and the party card of a member of the CPSU). An archival essay. - April 24, 2022.
MMCMVII. Vasily Alexandrovich serves in the army (before and after October 1917 - until 1926). An archival essay. - April 25, 2022.
MMCMIX. Vladimir Vasilievich, navigator. An archival essay. - April 26, 2022.
MMCMXVI. Comrades in arms fought on Rostov-Gora on November 20, 1941. The letter by Leonid Starodubtsev dated June 13, 1989. An archival essay. - April 29, 2022.
MMCMXVIII. Two photographs of participants in the battle on Rostov-Gora on November 20, 1941. An archival note. - April 29, 2022.
MMCMXIX. The list of 7 photos. A collection of photographs "More than 45 years - after the battle on Rostov-Gora on November 20, 1941". An archival essay. - April 30, 2022.].
April 30, 2022 09:30
Translation from Russian into English: April 30, 2022 14:11.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Коллекция писем и открыток "Через 48 лет: Почтовые документы участников сражения 20 ноября 1941 года - боя на Ростов-Горе". Архивный очерк".
{ 2950. Коллекция писем и открыток "Через 48 лет: Почтовые документы участников сражения 20 ноября 1941 года - боя на Ростов-Горе". Архивный очерк.
MMCMXX. The collection of letters and postcards "After 48 years: Postal documents of the participants of the battle of November 20, 1941 - the fight on Rostov-Gora". An archival essay. }