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Sale of rare cars. A story

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    MMMDLXXXIV. Sale of rare cars. A story. - December 13, 2024.

  Sale of rare cars. A story.
  - Hello? Is this Bashir?
  - Yes!
  - It's Sergei. Do you miss your cars? There were no other variants: ... as it was agreed in the Transfer Agreement...
  - Nice cars.
  - Yes, Lombardini is a fine specimen. We were dragging him throughout ten borders. We had to get the girls involved. An outstanding loan still hang in our Cross-Bank. But you don't worry about that: we opened a bank account and took out a loan via the Internet: using identification data.... So there's nothing worrying with this topic.
  - I remember this Lombardini. It's a beautiful car. But what to do?
  - Yeah, now these cars are on sale. We are in touch - with the guys. They ask to provide the consent of the owner of the cars, so that then the buyers can safely use, show, participate in exhibitions. So that everything be legal.
  - What me to make?
  - You prepare ten sheets of paper. On each sheet you write by your hand: "I, - your surname, your name, - agree with the sale", then leave a free space, the guys will write what be needed, then your put your original signature and today's date. A courier will come to you in half an hour, he'll say: "I'm from Valery." You give him the papers.
  - Okay.
  - Listen, Vorobiev has raised 10 million for you in three days through his charity foundation. They'll transfer you that money to the bank card, which you got.
  - I'm grateful to him.
  - He (or somebody from his foundation) will call you. They have a rule: they have to make sure that the bank transaction is correct. When you will get a code on your phone, you will dictate that code to him.
  - I will dictate.
  - Well, that's all for now. Mikhail sends you his regards. If anything, we'll call you again. Good health to you.
  - Thank you. Bye.
  - Bye.
  December 13, 2024, 11:50
  Translation from Russian into English: December 13, 2024 13:10
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Продажа раритетных автомобилей. Рассказ. ".
  { 3613. Продажа раритетных автомобилей. Рассказ. - 13 декабря 2024 г.
  MMMDLXXXIV. Sale of rare cars. A story. - December 13, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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