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Secrets of the common Eaeu energy market and a Russia's excellent energy prospects. A sketch on the political economy of the electric power industry

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    Secrets of the common EAEU energy market and a Russia's excellent energy prospects. A sketch on the political economy of the electric power industry.

  Secrets of the common EAEU energy market and a Russia's excellent energy prospects. A sketch on the political economy of the electric power industry.
  "JANUARY 22, 2021, 18:58
  EAEU countries reach consensus on common energy market
  January 22, Moscow / Eduard Pivovar - BELTA /. Representatives of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union agreed on positions on a number of fundamental issues related to the formation of a common electric power market. (...) "( [unofficial translation]
  The news of this type is of particular interest in connection with the completion of the construction of the Belarusian NPP (BelNPP).
  Leave the BelNPP in an idle (in non-functioning position)? .. Well ...
  The first idea is to increase electricity consumption in Belarus itself. The implementation of this idea, however, is associated (1) with a possible increase in energy tariffs within Belarus (according to a number of unofficial reports, the cost of an "atomic" kilowatt-hour is approximately twice the cost of a "non-nuclear" kilowatt-hour), (2) with an increase in additional costs for changes in infrastructure in the Belarusian energy sector.
  The second idea: the development of a common energy market in the EAEU ("The EAEU countries have reached a consensus on the common energy market"). Indirect sources of information (statements by caring ecologists) allow us to suppose that there is an excess (surplus, overabundance) of power generation capacities in Siberia and the Russial Far East. And in central Russia? Somehow I have not come across clear statements on this topic. But, at the same time, no one has ever clearly talked about the shortage of power generating capacities. Hence the assumption: in the European part of Russia, there is a necessary (approximately equal to needs) level of electricity production.
  If the common energy market of the EAEU develops (with BelNPP entering it; with the acquisition by BelNPP her own share in this market), - then it is quite natural to expect either the displacement of some player from the already established (balanced) energy market, or an increase in the level of competition in the energy market and a decrease in electricity prices.
  For example, in some regions of Russia the energy tariff for the population is approximately equal to 5 rubles (Russian rubles) per kilowatt hour. And competition leads to lower prices. The tariff is lowered, reduced. What percentage of reducing? We don't know that. But we naively expect that one kilowatt-hour will cost not 5 rubles, but 2.5 rubles.
  Why not?
  There is reason to believe that the general economic policy is designed in such a way that prices should not be high ... "Cheap (affordable) housing", for example ...
  It remains to wait, when the Belarusian NPP will release the additional electricity onto the common energy market of the EAEU, after which competition will increase, and the population of Russia will have a tariff for one kilowatt-hour (for example) not 5 (five) rubles, but 2.5 (two and a half) ruble. Why not expect good things from the Russial economy and the EAEU?
  When will this pleasant event happen?
  This should be reported by persons who are allowed access to special information.
  For example, in Russia there was the Minister of Energy Alexander Novak. He was one of the participants in the political process, after which (the process) was a sharp decline in world oil prices.
  Now he is appointed Deputy Prime Minister. His candidacy was honored with positive statements in the State Duma (when discussed).
  It is quite possible that all persons (those involved in the career of Alexander Novak and his achievements) foresaw the appearance of the Belarusian NPP on the economic energy horizon ... ('Novak will deal with energy tariffs, and the population of Russia will receive reduced energy tariffs').
  As always, the Russial economy is on the rise! And the population joyfully welcomes the economic achievements! ...
  [MDCCCXX. Lukashenko, Novak and BelNPP. Colossal failures and imitation of success. Essay on the Belarusian-Byzantine economy and politics. - November 10, 2020.
  MDCCCXXII. The politics of depressivity and the Belarusian nuclear power plant. A civilizational essay. - November 11, 2020.
  MCMLXII. Illiterate, sub-criminal and criminal specialists in economy and a 'Cheap (Affordable) Housing'. A sketch on the political economy of construction. - January 21, 2021.].
  January 23, 2021 20:59
  Translation from Russian into English: January 24, 2021 08:21.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Секреты общего энергорынка ЕАЭС и прекрасные энергетические перспективы России. Очерк политической экономии электроэнергетики'.
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