The worse the nutrition of the children became, and the more shabby their clothes and shoes were, the more attention Senya paid attention to patriotic education.
After next complaints from the kids, Senya and his friends decided to organize a patriotic event.
Senya heard somewhere that there are fifty million pianists in China, and this figure made a great impression on him.
In addition to China, the least wealthy countries in Asia were identified.
Senya and his friends ordered brass bands from these countries, arranged a cultural program for them. On the day of the patriotic holiday a solemn marches were organized of brass bands around the yard.
Before the start of the marches of the brass bands, balloons were launched into the air. Each balloon received its own individual name: "Sasha Belyy", "Kos", "Phil", "Fly" ...
Senya's old acquaintances were invited to launch the balloons. Some of them successfully got out of the situation when a large ship on which they were sailing ran aground. Others successfully completed the flight on a faulty plane that landed near the airport, in a nearby field.
After the launch of the balloons and the solemn marches of the brass bands, Senya decided to read the patriotic poems of Alexander Pushkin: "Hurray, we are pressing! The Swedes are bending! "
At that time, a janitor came from some neighboring yard. The janitor was very unhappy with the falling balls into his yard.
However, the friends who surrounded Senya showed with all their appearance that they would not let the janitor to come closer to Senya.
The janitor shouted something about a stiff broom and then left.
The holiday continued. Senya continued to read poetry.
"On the shore of desert waves
He stood full of great thoughts ... "
Everyone was delighted. The holiday was great. In any conditions, you need to tune in to the highest wave of patriotism.
The kids and everyone present were delighted. You need to be able to find the right approach to kids!
November 3, 2020 20:57
Translation from Russian into English: November 3, 2020 21:25.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сеня и культурное мероприятие. Рассказ".