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Senya and a fresh wind. A story

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    Senya and a fresh wind. A story.

  Senya and a fresh wind. A story.
  Yesterday it was cloudy and it was rain.
  A certain figure returned to one of the apartments for several days from a distant and endless expedition. A decently dressed people with cultured faces came to this person with visit. Toasts and music were heard through the open window. "It seems, it is organ" - one of the friends tried to define the character of the music.
  Because of the rain, Senya took not a long walk and he almost did not smile.
  Today, at the beginning of the walk, the friends were alarmed. A man wandered into the yard, sat down on one of the benches and turned on his smartphone. The song "The Wind of North" was heard. The stranger was gloomy. He watched onto a horizon and thought about his problems.
  Friends became worried. Will not this casual passer-by and this song annoy Senya while walking?
  But the weather has changed.
  Senya walked around the yard, glancing affectionately at a stranger from afar.
  He even went up to friends and remembered Vladimir Vysotsky: "Prepare for me a bathhouse in a black way" ... It's a classic ... " Senya's face acquired a significant and a sad expression ...
  But soon a smile appeared on Senya's face, he was looking approvingly at friends and continued to walk around the yard in a good mood.
  A kind wind started to blow ...
  June 23, 2021 22:12
  Translation from Russian into English: June 23, 2021 22:44.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и свежий ветер. Рассказ'.
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