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Senya and a life on Mars. The story

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    Senya and a life on Mars. The story.

  Senya and a life on Mars. The story.
  Senya went out into the yard in the evening to breathe fresh air.
  Friends sat on a bench and spoke on some topics.
  Senya sat down with them.
  Now there 's a lot of talk about a possible flight to Mars. And the conversation, owing to Senya, went to the question: "Is there a life on Mars?."
  Gradually bodybuilders, engaged in a sports field, joined the conversation.
  Then, the conversation involved women heading to the store.
  Several passers-by, returning after the end of the working day, approached the bench where Senya was sitting and quietly opened cans with a drink, listening carefully and giving replicas.
  Discussion was interesting.
  Of course, no answer was found to the question.
  "Is there a life on Mars? Is there no a life on Mars? This has not yet been experimentally studied by science." That was the prevailing view.
  Everyone split up with a good mood.
  One of those present had a bag of lollipops, and on a positive wave, everyone got a lollipop.
  Senya went back to the kids with a good mood.
  He breathed fresh air and talked about smart topics. But, unexpectedly for himself, he found himself inclined to conduct clever conversations.
  People now need thoughts and knowledge!
  And the kids need Senya!
  The evening ended on a good note. Everyone felt that the evening went right, smart, and the time was spent usefully.
  February 6, 2020 19:08
  Translation from Russian into English: February 6, 2020 19:24.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и жизнь на Марсе. Рассказ'.
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