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Senya and a motion picture art. The story

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    Senya and a motion picture art. The story.

  Senya and a motion picture art. The story.
  Senya and friends went to the cinema.
  Watched the movie.
  They came to the yard to Senya and sat on a bench. A good movie!
  Are silent. They are pondering the film.
  - " Looking for Grisha. He"s, similarly, Goga, he"s, similarly, Gosha ..." - one of them recalls the words from the film.
  Friends reflect.
  - "And it's a good idea to look for a smart person in the library named after Lenin. In a smoking-room ..."
  Again silence.
  - "Moscow does not believe in tears!" Senya said, at last.
  Friends looked at Senya with respect. Senya knows how to understand the main thing, to hear the right words from the depths of cultural cosmos, to read a cultural message from the past ...
  March 12, 2020 19:56
  Translation from Russian into English: March 12, 2020 20:25.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сеня и кино-искусство. Рассказ".
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