Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya and an intelligent humanity. A story

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    Senya and an intelligent humanity. A story.

  Senya and an intelligent humanity. A story.
  Once a boy with a delicious bun ran into the yard to the Senya.
  This made such a strong impression on the kids that Senya decided to walk around the yard and to reflect on the problems of education.
  On the site next to the garbage cans lay another pile of books - from the next (another) apartment of a former intellectual.
  Senya looked at the books.
  "But this is a whole world! Do the kids understand this? Do the kids know about the existence of the world of intelligent people? "
  Immediately, friends invited a team of clowns to the courtyard (Senya allocated funding from an intellectual investment fund - that is, from the third pack).
  A carpet was spread in the middle of the yard. The clowns put on: some - pince-nez, some - glasses, some - ties, some - hats, and began to tumble, to somersault, to press special rubber pears with inconspicuous tubes connected to their eyelashes - to squeeze out a tears ... They read anecdotes, made funny jokes about how Aristotle was swallowing a dust in the Library of Alexandria ...
  The kids looked in amazement at the organized performance and clapped their hands.
  - Plato's Academy! - there was an approving comment from the those present.
  Finally, Senya, with a gesture of his hand, stopped the actions of the team of clowns, walked out to the middle of the spread carpet and called the kids up to himself.
  - We are - together with the thinking humanity!
  The kids laughed merrily and clapped their hands.
  The boy with the delicious bun was forgotten. On the contrary, the kids felt pride and great prospects. The clowns received a fair, but generous, reward (Senya does not skimp to pay a raising of kids!).
  Senya knows which pedagogical method to choose at any given moment! A proper education of children is the main theme of Senya's thoughts!
  It is important to be together with intellectual humanity!
  February 1, 2021 08:35
  Translation from Russian into English: February 1, 2021 22:19.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сеня и умное человечество. Рассказ".
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