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Senya and a scented soap. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and a scented soap. A story.

  Senya and a scented soap. A story.
  Kids near the garbage cans played tourists who float down the mountain river in inflatable boats, friends were rotating the pedals of velosimulators, and Senya walked around the yard.
  At this time, a black dog ran into the yard.
  Senya immediately used this event to educate the kids.
  Friends were instructed to buy a small box of a scented soap.
  And soon a presentation took place in the yard.
  Senya gathered the kids around him and, pointing to the black dog and to the box of soap, explained that this soap was bought out of love for animals and for a benefit of the dog that had run into the yard.
  The kids were imbued with the idea of love for animals and continued to play tourists.
  Senya continued to stroll around the yard.
  When he walked into the sports field where friends were rotating the pedals, he felt the bewildered looks of friends. The dog was sniffing the surroundings and at this time a box of soap was standing in the middle of the yard (remaining there after the presentation).
  - Of course, you can't wash a black dog to white, - Senya explained his idea, - but any situation should be used to educate kids!
  There will a use for soap! And kids learn to love animals!
  Explanation: You can't wash a black dog (wash it off) up to white (in a figurative sense) - you can't fix an incorrigible one (A large explanatory phraseological dictionary (1904) by Mikhelson).
  July 13, 2021 14:13
  Translation from Russian into English: July 13, 2021 15:21.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и душистое мыло. Рассказ'.
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