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Senya and a talented children. The story

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    Senya and a talented children. The story.

  Senya and a talented children. The story.
  Nowadays philanthropists get the greatest pleasure from life.
  Senya, while walking in the yard, stopped the boy and said to him affectionately:
  - You will be Johann Sebastian Bach! We will build for you a huge concert hall!
  The boy ran to tell his buddies and parents the good news.
  Senya informed another boy:
  - In the future you will become Alexander Popov!
  The boy did not understand why he needed to change his surname.
  But Senya handed him a candy, and the boy, satisfied, ran to play with his buddies.
  Senya's walk around the yard continued.
  Friends brought a radio receiver and put it in the middle of the yard. Let Senya enjoy the music of Johann Sebastian Bach while walking!
  Senya continued his walk with pleasure to the music of Bach.
  However, suddenly the radio receiver went silent.
  Friends tried unsuccessfully to bring the radio receiver back to life.
  But their efforts failed.
  However, this incident did not spoil Senya's mood.
  And before this incident, Senya walked around the yard without a radio receiver and without Bach. And after this incident, he will also walk without Bach, and without a radio receiver.
  Various little things cannot distract Senya from charity work and from taking care of children!
  March 15, 2021 17:30
  Translation from Russian into English: March 15, 2021 18:25.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сеня и талантливая молодежь. Рассказ".
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