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Senya and a timely medicine. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and a timely medicine. A story.

  Senya and a timely medicine. A story.
  Walking around the yard, Senya saw an ambulance drive up to the entrance.
  Senya came closer to the entrance. He instructed his friends to go up to the patient's apartment and to find out what happened.
  Soon Senya received information that there were injections, were a beatings the patient's body with an electric shock, but all this did not give results. The doctor is silent, looks away, sighed once and spread his hands.
  Senya immediately instructed his friends to put the patient a poultices.
  The friends were not at a loss, and, despite their lack of experience, immediately set to work.
  Bringing a sick person back to life is not such a quick business. Senya continued his walk. The main thing has been done: he saw the problem, received information, figured out the situation, gave an immediate command, and friends act, gain experience, achieve results.
  Senya can safely take a walk for a few minutes.
  An active life position and energetic actions in all circumstances distinguish Senya!
  August 29, 2021 14:31:07
  Translation from Russian into English: August 29, 2021 15:30.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сеня и своевременная медицина. Рассказ".
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