Zalessky Vladimir : другие произведения.

Senya and a visit to the opera. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and a visit to the opera. A story.

  Senya and a visit to the opera. A story.
  On Friday afternoon (last week), a large car appeared in the yard with beautiful inscriptions and a telephone number for inquiries and messages.
  The car stayed in the yard until five o'clock in the evening, and then left.
  After the car, a long and deep trench remained in the yard.
  Senya went to the trench and examined it.
  After that, he instructed his friends to call the phone number that was written on the car and find out why the trench was not fenced off.
  Friends made several calls, but the phone did not answer.
  Seeing such a situation, Senya instructed friends to explain the kids the need for correct behavior.
  A week has passed. Suddenly, the residents of the house heard loud screams.
  It turned out that one of the kids fell into the trench and was very frightened.
  The victim was raised to the surface.
  Senya went up to the victim, examined him and gave him half a bar of chocolate.
  Then the victim was taken to Senya's favorite bench and seated on it.
  The victim stopped screaming and began to eat chocolate.
  Senya immediately instructed friends to buy tickets for the Modest Mussorgsky's opera and take the kids to the opera theatre.
  The victim will calmly eat chocolate, and gradually in the meantime the situation in the yard will return to normal.
  Let the kids listen not to the frightened cries of those who have fallen into the trench, but to the beautiful loud singing of opera singers!
  Senya knows how to find the right way out in any unusual situation!
  September 14, 2021 03:31
  Translation from Russian into English: September 14, 2021 03:56.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сеня и посещение оперы. Рассказ".
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