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Senya and the right management decisions. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and the right management decisions. A story.

  Senya and the right management decisions. A story.
  Senya once had a washing machine in his apartment.
  But one day Senya learned from an expert's story that washing machines consume a significant amount of electricity.
  Senya passed this information on to his friends, and the washing machine soon stopped working.
  The kids liked to wear fresh and clean clothes. They were regretfully throwing glances at the washing machine, opened the lid, looking inside. Sometimes they even pressed on the buttons. But the machine didn't work.
  Senya gave instructions to move the washing machine to the garage to the one of his friends so that this machine would not distract the kids.
  After a while, the kids began to complain to Senya that their buddies did not want to play with them.
  These complaints reached friends, and one of them criticized these buddies. They are not real buddies. They do not have real friendliness, the ability to be sincere buddies.
  However, during his walks, Senya continued to reflect on the complaints of the children.
  After a thorough consideration of the situation, he allocated the necessary funds and instructed his friends to return the washing machine to the apartment, to call a specialist for repairs and to restore the washing machine to function.
  Soon the washing machine began to wash clothes regularly, and the kids were very happy.
  Everyone was pleasantly impressed. Despite the arguments about saving electricity and accusations against the buddies of the kids about their lack of friendliness, Senya succeeded to resolutely insist on the restoring the washing machine to function.
  Senya was also pleased. During the walk, he invited the kids not to be shy - to speak out the new ideas.
  Senya is committed to finding and making the right management decisions!
  Kids' suggestions and ideas will not go unnoticed!
  April 8, 2021 16:18
  Translation from Russian into English: April 8, 2021 18:50.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и правильные управленческие решения. Рассказ'.
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