Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya and the trader of dead fish. The story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and the trader of dead fish. The story.

  Senya and the trader of dead fish. The story.
  Once a dead fish merchant wandered into the yard in the morning.
  He became at one of the entrances, hoping that in the morning, after a deep sleep, the residents of the house will not be able to determine that the fish of poor quality, and will buy from him dead goods for lunch or for dinner.
  But Senya immediately noticed the merchant who appeared. Senya waved his hand (it was a sign for friends) and headed for the trader.
  The trader, seeing Senya, tried to behave as an independent figure. But Senya, without too much talk, sniffed the fish and threw the dead product to the ground: 'This is a poor-quality product!'
  The trader was outraged to the depths of his heart and tried to maintain the appearance of an independent businessman.
  At this time, after the Senya, friends began to approach. They gradually surrounded Senya and the merchant of dead product.
  A merchant in the wake of emotions tried to pump the rights: "I will contact the UN! I will send a complaint to the OSCE! I will sent protests to the human rights organizations!"
  But Senya was impregnable: "There is no place in the yard for poor-quality goods!"
  Approaching of friends and Senya's steadfastness influenced the trader's mood.
  He changed his philosophical position. He will not to complain to anybody. But he asks Senya and friends to secure, to reserve for the merchant a trading place next to the entrance. The trader will find a new fish for trade (he named three types of fish to choose from).
  Senya maintained a contemptuous appearance. He kicked the dead fish thrown to the ground and, without answering the merchant, continued the walk around the yard.
  The merchant was looking plaintively at Senya..
  And friends were delighted with Senya's behavior: "What an endurance!" "What a firm moral position!".The merchant, with his threats, himself understood, finally, his stupidity.
  The dead fish was lying on the ground. Senya continued the walk around the yard. The trader looked with regret at the fish lying on the ground and tried to come up with a plan for further action. And friends with a good mood went to the sports ground for the morning warm-up.
  There's no place in the yard for dead fish! (As for business... as for trade ... it's possible to think about it...).
  July 15, 2020 07:52
  Translation from Russian into English: July 15, 2020 08:28.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и торговец дохлой рыбой. Рассказ'.
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