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Senya, lobsters and the payment of a gratuity. A story

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    Senya, lobsters and the payment of a gratuity. A story.

  Senya, lobsters and the payment of a gratuity. A story.
  Senya thought not only about today, but also about tomorrow. In his notebook, he reserved a few pages for the talent pool (the personnel reserve).
  As soon as a friend attracted Senya's special attention with his ambition, Senya enrolled this friend in the personnel reserve.
  Senya was walking around the yard today, when kids ran up to him with a whim.
  The kids asked Senya to tell them something interesting.
  Senya thought for a second. Then he took out his notebook and chose from the list the name of one of his most energetic friends.
  When the kids found out that Senya was going to give an assignment to tell something interesting to a friend from the personnel reserve, they immediately brought, delivered this friend up to Senya.
  Senya looked amiably at the approaching friend.
  - How was your trip? Bombardier not stalled? (It's a kind of a sympathetic joke.)
  - We had a good rest! New chef at a restaurant on the Cote d'Azur. Great lobster with white wine! (A joke in return. It's about a restaurant on the waterfront with an open veranda. Lobsters are the Far Eastern gifts of the ocean, and white wine is a tomato juice of domestic manufacture).
  - You know that you are in the personnel reserve. And those who are in the personnel reserve, they must be able to communicate with the audience. Tell the kids about the lobster with white wine.
  For the children, intrigue persisted. They were expecting a story about lobsters. "In Search of the Castaways", Jacques Paganel - but in the Russial version. There must be a fairy tale in life.
  A friend from the personnel reserve gathered the kids around him, and began to talk about visiting a restaurant on the Cote d'Azur.
  Senya, meanwhile, continued his walk. A useful event has been organized! A friend from the talent pool will gain experience in communicating with the audience, and the kids will hear an interesting story.
  In the meantime, the narrator completely disappointed the children. Instead of talking about lobsters and white wine, he began to delve into details about the rules for paying tips when visiting a restaurant. There are a certain rules for paying tips. But these rules are changing. You need to know both the rules that are in effect today and the rules that will be in effect tomorrow. Everything is going for the best. Tips can be paid by bank transfer, by card. Can you to pay a tip in foreign currency? ..
  When it became clear that the kids were tired, and the lecture time was over, the kids had a lot of confusing information about paying for tips, but they did not learn anything about lobsters with white wine.
  Senya continued his walk around the yard when disappointed kids came running up to him. The story turned out to be uninteresting. The kids are upset.
  Senya was stroking the kids on the head and was consoling them.
  He took out his notebook and showed the list of the talent pool (the personnel reserve). The next time he, Senya, will think about who to entrust such an important matter as an interesting story for children.
  The kids, having calmed down, went to play. It's not a problem that they weren't sucessful to listen to an interesting story - but they have a caring Senya. And this is the main thing.
  Senya continued to stroll around the yard and thought about how much more to educate is needed - to educate everyone, both friends and kids - they all need his care.
  July 22, 2020 20:25
  Translation from Russian into English: July 22, 2020 21:04.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня, омары и уплата чаевых. Рассказ'.
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