Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

Senya, small cakes, big motorcycles and dolce vita. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya, small cakes, big motorcycles and dolce vita. A story.

  Senya, small cakes, big motorcycles and dolce vita. A story.
  Senya was standing on the balcony of the hotel room when the kids returned from the cafe-pastry shop and complained to Senya that they had honestly paid for the cakes, but the cakes were too small. The kids are offended! Children could go from the topic of the size of cakes on the topic of their larger number and come to the question of the size of pocket money issued to visit a cafe-pastry shop.
  At this time, down the street, a huge motorcycle rode with a deafening noise. A neighbor in a hotel, who was standing on a nearby balcony, waved his hand to a motorcyclist.
  Senya commented:
  - "It's a powerful motorcycle!"
  - "Do you know about motorcycles?" The neighbor asked.
  Senya and a neighbor started a conversation about powerful and expensive motorcycles.
  In many rooms of the hotel, the doors to the balconies were opened due to the heat, and visitors respectfully listened to the conversation between Senya and his neighbor about the huge prices for motorcycles, about their enormous power.
  Senya and his neighbor looked respected and knowledgeable people.
  The kids felt the style and smell of a real, respectable, prosperous life, free from petty worries.
  Too small cakes were forgotten.
  The kids turned their attention to the latest news from tennis, winter ski and car racing, and the latest news on Broadway musicals and experimental theater productions at the Grand Opera.
  The evening went well. The kids discussed the performance of opera parts by the best singers of our time. Senya listened to the kids and enjoyed it, as if he was absorbing the unique singing of a talented performer.
  You need to have a taste for life and a correct understanding of life. It is important to behave correctly. Then the roar of an expensive motorcycle on the street will turn not into unpleasant talk about too small cakes (children bought them with meager pocket money), but into an attractive discussion of a stylish life! To think right is to think big! Dolce vita!
  July 28, 2020 20:59
  Translation from Russian into English: July 28, 2020 21:36.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня, маленькие пирожные, большие мотоциклы и dolce vita. Рассказ'.
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