Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya, turtle, vitamin C and a scientific breakthrough. A story

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    Senya, turtle, vitamin C and a scientific breakthrough. A story.

  Senya, turtle, vitamin C and a scientific breakthrough. A story.
  The kids got permission to walk in the yard.
  In the new conditions, the rotation of pedals by friends became a bored business.
  Senya and friends thought: how to achieve a diversity in everyday life?
  One of friends remembered the zoological collection. From the past you need to take all the best!
  Senya (with friends) examined the collection and chose a turtle, caught and placed in the collection, probably in the 19th century.
  From this moment, Senya's lectures on the development of science were added up to the activity of friends on exercise bikes.
  Senya lectured to kids, the inhabitants of the yard and everyone.
  Particular interest in Senya's lectures was shown by small traders sitting on a sides of the sidewalks on little benches and microscopic chairs. Once, while giving next lecture to such traders, Senya gave the turtle for examination and inspection to the audience. The turtle eventually disappeared somewhere.
  Without a turtle, lectures lost their credibility. Senya noticed a book by Miklouho-Maclay in disposal one of his friends. Senya borrowed this book from a friend and tried to convince the next audience during the next lecture with this book, replacing the disappeared turtle with the book. As it turned out, the book of Miklouho-Maclay, although it attracted glances, could not compete with the turtle.
  But Senya was not taken aback, was not confused. He held a new meeting with friends. There was a new idea - to take to lectures bottles with vitamin C.
  Now Senya was showing at lectures pills from bottles and explained that these are new modifications of vitamin C. Small tablets have triple strength. The averages have a quadruple power. And the largest ones - they are have a fivefold action.
  All factors united: vitamin C, the book of Mikluho-Maclay, the coronavirus pandemic. Senya's lectures on the development of science continued to be popular.
  May 28, 2020 09:57
  Translation from Russian into English: June 1, 2020 18:39.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня, черепаха, витамин С и научный прорыв. Рассказ'.
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