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Sergei Furgal, Mikhail Degtyarev. August 7, 2020. Trends. The ultra-short overview

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    Sergei Furgal, Mikhail Degtyarev. August 7, 2020. Trends. The ultra-short overview.

  Sergei Furgal, Mikhail Degtyarev. August 7, 2020. Trends. The ultra-short overview.
  1. An information failure.
  1.1 An ordinary media user has the impression that information about the situation in Khabarovsk and about the situation with Sergei Furgal is being blocked on the federal media. "Despite the deathly silence of the federal TV channels and the rabid propaganda about the" paid protests ", popular rallies in Khabarovsk continue." (
  This is the situation ...
  1.2. The Internet is filled with information:
  1.2.1. On the punishment of participants in street events. The word-combination "all-Russia action" appeared.
  1.2.2. On the cancellation by Mikhail Degtyarev (the number and date of the decisions are not indicated - therefore, the information is tentative) of Furgal's decisions on the sale of the yacht and on the prohibition for officials to fly business class for budget money. The yacht seems to have been withdrawn from sale, and the ban seems to have been cancelled.
  1.2.3. About the absence of high officials' intentions to visit Khabarovsk ... 'According to Daniil Yermilov, the possible reasons why the Prime Minister will not visit Vladivostok are indirectly related to the refusal to come to Khabarovsk.
  - The very purpose of the visit is not clear. You need to go to the Far East in order to communicate with people: to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Magadan, Anadyr, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Yakutsk - there are several administrative centers where most of the people are concentrated. I understand why he does not go to Khabarovsk - here they will ask questions that are difficult to answer: about pensions, air ticket prices, poor quality of life, about fish inaccessible to us, lack of work. And he does not go to Vladivostok for the same reasons as to Khabarovsk - if he does not go only to Khabarovsk, the protests will continue and intensify. And if he does not go to Khabarovsk and Vladivostok, then the impression will be that he decided to consider [to visit] only the periphery, and left two important administrative centers for later "("
  1.2.4. There is positive information in favor of Mikhail Degtyarev. Here's an example:
  Why Degtyarev?
  Prior to his appointment, Degtyarev headed the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs. It was in the status of a deputy that the new acting interim visited Khabarovsk on September 5, 2019. Then Degtyarev, together with Furgal, took part in the opening ceremony of the international bandy tournament (the Super Bandy 2019). In addition, he inspected the sports facilities of the regional capital and supported the LDPR representatives before the elections to the regional parliament. " (
  2. The topic about the situation with Sergei Furgal, about the observance of his natural (general civilizational) and constitutional rights is getting some development:
  '07 August 2020 at 18:07
  Deputies of the LDPR faction in the Legislative Duma of the Khabarovsk Territory appealed to the federal ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkova with a request to check the conditions of detention of ex-governor Sergei Furgal in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center. Furgal's party members are worried about the tactics of the investigation, which completely isolated the former governor and takes all letters from him. " (
  'The fact that Furgal, being in the pre-trial detention center, does not receive letters and telegrams, was previously reported by a member of the Moscow Public Monitoring Commission, Eva Merkacheva. However, he received about 40 parcels. Ombudsman in the Khabarovsk Territory Igor Chesnitsky noted that there is a problem with correspondence in relation of Furgul (telegrams and letters did not leave Furgal and did not reach Furgal). (
  Why did the deputies from Khabarovsk turn [request] to Moskalkova?
  '13:00 7.08.2020, Anton Krainy (...) Another provocation took place in Moscow. Unknowns of strong physique seized the office of the Public Monitoring Commission, blocked the entrance to the building in Krapivensky lane [street], not allowing anyone inside. Meanwhile, the Public Monitoring Commission is the only organization that has won the right to visit the imprisoned ex-governor of the Khabarovsk Territory, Sergei Furgal; his fellow countrymen try to protect him. " (
  If all this is happening in the center of Moscow ... so ... it is a sign of decay ...
  A time is passing ... Slowly but surely the problem of mental and physical health of Furgal arises ...
  Let us recall that the deputies have some rights - including the right of the legislation initiative...
  What are the trends? A failure and a decay ...
  August 7, 2020 18:20
  Translation from Russian into English: August 8, 2020 17:46. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сергей Фургал, Михаил Дегтярев. 7 августа 2020 г. Тенденции. Сверхкраткий обзор'.
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