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Sergei Furgal, Mikhail Degtyarev. August 8, 2020. Trends. An ultra-short overview

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    Sergei Furgal, Mikhail Degtyarev. August 8, 2020. Trends. An ultra-short overview.

  Sergei Furgal, Mikhail Degtyarev. August 8, 2020. Trends. An ultra-short overview.
  1. The robot Fedor arrived in Khabarovsk.
  "They pasted over it and around it [the refrigerator] with images of the Crimean bridge, tanks, Iskander, the robot Fedor, propagandists Skabeeva, Solovyov, Sheinin and Kiselev, surrounded by dollars and rubles. And in the middle of the refrigerator they hung a mouse next to two pipes on which they wrote "Gas" and "Oil." (
  2. A generally understandable legal position on the issue of the rights of members of parliament (in connection with the case of Sergei Furgal) is needed.
  "The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation refused to allow the former governor of the Khabarovsk krai Sergei Furgal to meet with the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky and party members, reports RIA Novosti.
  Earlier, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia sent requests to the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Justice with a demand to allow the leader and the Duma faction deputies to meet with the arrested Sergei Furgal, who is currently being held in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center.
  The departments replied that the meetings with the suspects are in charge of the Investigative Committee. In turn, the investigators refused to party members of Furgal, since they are not participants in criminal proceedings, and also in order to exclude disclosure of the secrets of the investigation. " (
  "We have repeatedly appealed to the Investigative Committee, the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Justice regarding the admission of our deputies, including the leader of the party Vladimir Zhirinovsky, to the ex-governor of the Khabarovsk krai Sergei Furgal, who was arrested and who now is in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center. However, so far we recieved a stubbornly refusings. We will continue to demand a meeting with him! " (
  Let's express our subjective opinion.
  1) With a significant staff of assistants and budgetary funding, it would be possible to publish the text of the answers in a readable form. Photocopies of answers are hardly readable (they could be read with great difficulty). Many people are interested in the answers - those who follow the Furgal case.
  2) It can be assumed that Mr. Zhirinovsky and the deputies do not agree with the answers ...
  If the provision of the Law on the Status (Article 7, paragraph "h") is valid ("(h) an appeal to the relevant officials with a demand to take measures to immediately suppress the discovered violation of citizens' rights"), then, without waiting for other actions, you need to involve those very lawyers, who were repeatedly mentioned by Mr. Zhirinovsky, and to send appropriate appeals with the requirement to take measures to immediately suppress the revealed violation of the rights of citizens.
  The appeals should be published (and not in a photocopy, but in a readable form).
  This does not prevent you from acting in all other legal directions.
  In addition to protecting the interests of Furgal (specifically), these actions create a legal precedent for protecting the legal rights of members of parliament.
  If the Liberal Democratic Party intends to achieve success, then it must have a generally understandable legal position based on the norms of the law.
  3. Member of the Federation Council from the Khabarovsk Krai Elena Greshnyakova "went out to the people and commented on the rumors about the protesters being paid" (
  4. We have no fresh information about the visit to Sergei Furgal by members of the Public Monitoring Comission or Mrs. Moskalkova.
  5. There are some hopes that some steps are being taken in favor of organizing effective defense of Sergei Furgal. His former press secretary Nadezhda Tomchenko intends to systematically inform the public about the Furgal case. She informed about the orderly collection of donations for the defense of Furgal (Anastasia Melnikova. "Furgal is a good person who fell into a trap." Press secretary of the ex-head of the Khabarovsk Krai - about the conflict with Trutnev and Moscow pressure -
  6. Not very clear rebuttals sound.
  6.1. Mikhail Degtyarev did not seem to cancel the ban on travel (flights?) in business class.
  6.2. The office of the Public Monitoring Comission did not seem to be captured. "Are there just other people in the office?" (
  7. There is a hope, but a little hope, that effective defense of Sergei Furgal will be organized before significant changes in his state of health occur ...
  August 8, 2020 18:41
  Translation from Russian into English: August 9, 2020 09:10. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сергей Фургал, Михаил Дегтярев. 8 августа 2020 г. Тенденции. Сверхкраткий обзор".
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