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Sparrow Chirr and the weekend. A story for children

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    Sparrow Chirr and the weekend. A story for children.

  Sparrow Chirr and the weekend. A story for children.
  Sparrow Chirr was flying over the park. A boy and a girl walked along the path.
  "It must be brother and sister", Chirr thought.
  Indeed, it was brother and sister. Vic and Dorothée came out in the day off for a walk.
  They came to a clearing where they usually put food for the birds on a large tree stump.
  Vic drew attention to a sparrow sitting on a nearby tree.
  - "This is probably the sparrow Chirr!" - Vic suggested.
  - "Yes, this is he!" - Dorothée agreed.
  - "How does he spend the weekend?" - Vic got interested.
  - 'Today we were swinging on a swing, we participated in sports competitions ... We have plans for the evening. And he probably just flies? " - Dorothée said.
  - 'He needs a rest after the working week. During his working days he ate a lot of harmful midges, and now the trees in the park can grow safely, and we can walk under these trees with pleasure! " - Vic answered.
  At this time, the sparrow Chirr landed on a climbing plant that was situated above the ground, a kind of liana. The plant hung from the branch of one of the trees. Liana dangled freely in the air, clinging to a tree branch. The wind freely raised and lowered this liana, and Chirr swayed with it.
  - "It looks like a swing!" - Victor noticed.
  - "He's good at it!" - Dorothée answered.
  At this time, several sparrows flew to Chirru, and they decided to fly the hundred-meter distance several times.
  The two trees stood about a hundred meters apart of each other. Sparrows flew from one tree to another at maximum speed. Chirr seems to have been among the winners of the competition.
  - "Chirr participates in sports competitions!" - Dorothée exclaimed.
  - "This is probably a high-speed flying competition at a 100-meter distance?" - Vic suggested.
  - "Do they have a hymn?" - Dorothée asked.
  Vic shrugged his shoulders.
  The sounds of loud, rhythmic dance music arrived from somewhere afar.
  The sparrows stopped competing at the hundred-meter race and started to whirle in the bushes in flight.
  - 'It's more like dancing at a disco,' Vic commented.
  - "Maybe ..." - Dorothée answered.
  Chirr stopped spinning in the bushes and sat down on top of one of the trees to rest.
  At this time, the singing of the nightingale was heard.
  Chirr obviously listened to the nightingale singing with pleasure.
  - "It's like in the opera!" - Dorothée exclaimed.
  - 'Chirr sits in the best place on parterre,' joked Vic.
  - "Maybe we should go to the opera today?" - Dorothée asked.
  - "A good idea!" - Vic approved.
  Brother and sister put a food for birds onto the tree stump.
  - "It's a good thing, to put a bowl with some water for them!'
  - "Yes Yes!"
  The brother and sister went back to the house.
  Chirr had ate of some food left by Vic and Dorothée. "They, seem, a good children!"
  Chirr flew further. After conscientious work, he need a good rest over the weekend!
  [MMLXXXIII. Birds and walnut. A children story. - March 24, 2021.
  MMXСVIII. A tulip and a sparrow Chirr. A story for children. - April 3, 2021.
  MMСV. Sparrow Chirr submits a petition. A story for children. - April 7, 2021.
  MMСXLIV. Sparrow Chirr and a spring morning. A story. - May 2, 2021.
  MMСLXIII. Sparrow Chirr and the titmouse-inspector of tree. A story for children. - May 14, 2021.].
  May 20, 2021 07:02
  Translation from Russian into English: May 20, 2021 08:20.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Воробей Чирр и уикэнд. Рассказ для детей'.
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