Zalessky Vladimir : другие произведения.

Lenya Bobrov is trying to make a choice. Russial shamans, tourist cashbacks, import substitution, technological breakthroughs. Turkish (Russian) brides, gas, grain, financial tranches, sales markets. Chinese economic secrets. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Lenya Bobrov is trying to make a choice. Russial shamans, tourist cashbacks, import substitution, technological breakthroughs. Turkish (Russian) brides, gas, grain, financial tranches, sales markets. Chinese economic secrets. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov is trying to make a choice. Russial shamans, tourist cashbacks, import substitution, technological breakthroughs. Turkish (Russian) brides, gas, grain, financial tranches, sales markets. Chinese economic secrets. A story.
  Lenya Bobrov learns from one of the economic radio-observers that the Central Bank allegedly predicts a decrease in the cost of apartments. If you wait half a year, you can buy an apartment cheaper in half a year. (If the apartments turn out to be more expensive in half a year, will the radio observer pretend that nothing happened, "will lie at the bottom", or will he compensate - to the users of his advice?).
  Lenya is impressed with the advice. Lenya has doubts. If he delays his trip to Turkey, saves his money, then maybe in half a year he will buy an apartment on the cheap?
  Lenya recall shaman with some sadness. The man had a sword and this man was planning some kind of show. But...
  Then a singer appears on the radio waves. This singer calls himself "Shaman" and this Shaman sings the Russian anthem.
  Not bad! Yes, shamans exist!
  Two Turkish banks stop servicing MIR cards. "23 minutes ago  Two large Turkish banks suddenly refused to work with Russian Mir cards." [unofficial translation]
  In what currency will apartments become cheaper? In Russian rubles?
  Turkey is of interest to Lenya as an example of success - in many ways.
  More than a hundred thousand Russian brides went to Turkey! (The writer Konstantin Paustovsky had one of his grandmothers - from Turkey. But that was a different era. There were no MIR cards at that time ...).
  And the gas!
  And the recent grain deal!
  And markets for modern drones?
  And the providing Turkey with finances - through a system of financial capillaries - in connection with the construction of a nuclear power plant in Turkey with Russial money? Such a project (regardless of the result) provides Turkey with good money on an ongoing basis.
  As for the MIR cards, there are the hopes for China, too.
  Economic radio-observers convince Lenya of the correctness of his hopes for a close relationship between China and Russia.
  Even if there are difficulties in accepting MIR cards in Turkey, then we can hope for China.
  Lenya is thinking.
  It's not an easy choice. The choice between shamans, successful politicians, experts in economic secrets ...
  Lenya reminisces about his plan to buy US dollars. To buy? Not to buy? With dollars, he will look attractive - on Turkish beaches. (Especially among confused (disoriented) young girls with MIR cards). Yes, and in China, (to) Lenya, dollars will not interfere ...
  While Lenya was thinking, an SMS came: 'Hello! We've kept your fare as you're used to, but we'll have to make minor adjustments. From October 3, the price parameters of your tariff will change. About why the prices for communication are changing, we write here ... ". [unofficial translation]
  Maybe apartment prices will go down, but traffic prices are - still - going up...
  Shamans are spinning, are rotating (dancing) ...
  September 19, 2022 22:32
  Translation from Russian into English: September 19, 2022 23:27.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Лёня Бобров пытается сделать выбор. Российские шаманы, туристические кэш-бэки, импортозамещение, технологические прорывы. Турецкие (русские) невесты, газ, зерно, финансовые транши, рынки сбыта. Китайские экономические секреты. Рассказ'.
  { 3180. Лёня Бобров пытается сделать выбор. Российские шаманы, туристические кэш-бэки, импортозамещение, технологические прорывы. Турецкие (русские) невесты, газ, зерно, финансовые транши, рынки сбыта. Китайские экономические секреты. Рассказ.
  MMMCLI. Lenya Bobrov is trying to make a choice. Russial shamans, tourist cashbacks, import substitution, technological breakthroughs. Turkish (Russian) brides, gas, grain, financial tranches, sales markets. Chinese economic secrets. A story.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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