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Talleyrand is two centimeters away from the fist of the emotional emperor. A short story

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    MMMDCXXXIV. Talleyrand is two centimeters away from the fist of the emotional emperor. A short story. - March 19, 2025.

  Talleyrand is two centimeters away from the fist of the emotional emperor. A short story.
  Talleyrand is preparing to become the head of the provisional government of France after Napoleon's departure from the historical scene.
  But this is a distant prospect. In the meantime, he needs to establish permanent contacts with Austria (with Metternich) and with Russia (with Alexander). In addition, it is necessary to find mutual understanding with the Minister of Police Fouche, to prepare supporters and a public opinion.
  In January 1809, the emperor learns of Talleyrand's suspicious maneuvers. Emperor temporarily hands over command to the marshals, rushes to Paris, gathers the highest dignitaries, and almost attacks (with his fists) (to) Talleyrand.
  "He doesn't know about my secret correspondence with Austria and Russia, otherwise he wouldn't have invited me here, and he wouldn't have talked to me. A very emotional person! His fists are very close to my face! He 's making accusations ... Well, at last ... he recalls of the Duc d'Enghien! This means that this scene will end without violence. He illegally abducted the duke from the territory of a neutral state, shot the innocent duke without trial... After that , it is completely inappropriate to create new lawlessness with his fists here and now ... I need to stay calm for another 10 minutes... The more information he recalls, the faster his ability to navigate will be restored, the less his emotions will affect him...".
  Talleyrand returned to his castle. The scene with participation of the emperor ended without violence. Talleyrand needs to write a letter to Alexander, ask for a million and a half in gold "for a living."..
  Alexander will receive the letter; He will answer it with a refusal.
  But years will pass, - Alexander, having entered Paris in 1814 with troops, was hospitably welcomed by the head of the provisional government of France, Talleyrand.
  [E. V. Tarle "Talleyrand": "The Emperor literally attacked (with his fists) Talleyrand. "You are a thief, a scoundrel, a dishonest man! - You do not believe in God, you have violated all your duties all your life, you have deceived everyone, betrayed everyone, nothing is sacred to you, you would have sold your own father! I have showered you with benefits, and yet you are capable of anything against me! For the past ten months, just because you have falsely assumed that my affairs in Spain are going badly, you have the shamelessness to tell anyone (who wants to listen) that you have always condemned my enterprise regarding this kingdom, whereas it was you who gave me the first idea about it and persistently pushed me (forwards)!.. And this man, this unhappy man? Who informed me of his whereabouts? Who incited me to deal harshly with him?..."]
  March 19, 2025 11:16 (11:16 a.m.)
  Translation from Russian into English: March 19, 2025 13:08
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Талейран в двух сантиметрах от кулака эмоционального императора. Короткий рассказ. '.
  { 3663. Талейран в двух сантиметрах от кулака эмоционального императора. Короткий рассказ. - 19 марта 2025 г.
  MMMDCXXXIV. Talleyrand is two centimeters away from the fist of the emotional emperor. A short story. - March 19, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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