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The 5 crown coin of an Npi student (1953). An antiquarian story

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    The 5 crown coin of an NPI student (1953). An antiquarian story.

  The 5 crown coin of an NPI student (1953). An antiquarian story.
  In 1953, Vladimir Vasilievich Zalessky completed his studies at the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute [in our time - Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University].
  The "post-war period" was over...
  After returning from evacuation (in 1944) to Rostov-on-Don, Vladimir Vasilievich entered the technical school of the fishing industry (in 1945). Studying in the technical school was not difficult. Moreover, Vladimir immediately established himself as a person with technical talents - he managed to repair a complex German captured apparatus, at which earlier the employees, students and guests of the technical school only looked with respect. At the technical school, Vladimir and a group of his friends - they were in an advantageous position.
  At the technical school, Vladimir was engaged in boxing, and led (managed) dances. The technical school was located in the Old Bazaar area, local residents came to the dances with knives and pistols (after the war, many had weapons). But, oddly enough, the atmosphere was friendly and peaceful. Weapons at the entrance to the dances were deposited in a separate small locker and locked with a key (Vladimir had the key to the small locker). After the dances were over, everyone got back their knives and pistols and - without conflict, in a good mood - participants of dances headed about their business and to home.
  In the technical school there was practice, practical classes. Students were sent to the Azov fishing collective farms to gain practical knowledge.
  Collective farm workers knew how to fish even without students of the technical school. But these students were promoted (were put) - after graduation - to various important positions (in these fishing collective farms).
  Once the students arrived at one of the collective farms. There was no place for them in the houses. They were settled to sleep in a shed. Temperatures were sub-zero at night. There was a memory of how slowly sleep came. And through a dream there was a feeling - the heat was slowly leaving the body.
  The students were young people, so they were lucky not to lose their health. One of them found a cousin - a leading employee of a fishing collective farm - the care of an influential person appeared, and the students were able to complete the entire practice.
  Among practical knowledge, post-fishing skills deserved attention. A ship was returning from the Sea of Azov with a catch. A (camp) fire was laid out (organized) on the shore, and a fish soup was cooking in a huge cauldron. Members of the ship's crew, workers of the fishing collective farm (and students of the technical school-trainees) were sitting around the fire. There was a crowd of hungry people with bowls around.
  When the collective farm workers finished their meal, the remaining fish soup was poured into bowls for hungry people who came up to the (camp) fire.
  There were a lot of fish in the Don River and in the Sea of Azov at that time ... The inhabitants of the Azovian coast were starving, but they did not die of hunger.
  Perhaps the studying at a technical school and the corresponding prospects had some drawbacks, disadvantages.
  Vladimir Vasilievich stopped his studies at the technical school and entered the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute (NPI) (in a higher educational institution).
  Here he moved into the ranks of the most successful students and got a chance after completing his studies by state distribution to get a position in the Council of Ministers (in Moscow) or in one of the capitals of the Baltic republics.
  However, he respected the people who participated in the Great Patriotic War, who wore shoulder straps and had military awards. So he gave up "his turn" ("own opportunity") to one of the front-line (front-experienced) students. His personal participation in the defense of Rostov-on-Don in November 1941 was somehow wasn't taken into account ...
  It seems that this front-line (front-experienced) student (who went to Moscow after the NPI) gave Vladimir Vasilievich a coin - 5 crown coin (of Czechoslovakia) of 1953 ... Did one of the relatives of the front-line student bring this coin from Czechoslovakia?
  The rally in March... There was a feeling of thoughtfulness - what will happen in the future...
  Ahead was a tiger hunting in Central Asia (several years of work in a mine covered with poisonous dust in a deserted and remoted area of Kazakhstan - among persons convicted of murder, robbery and other serious violent crimes) and many other adventures ...
  I find it difficult to determine the value (worth) of the coin - the 5 student"s crown coin of 1953 ...
  I did not find the word "crown" ("koruna") on the coin. There is a digit "5", leaves, coat of arms...
  I found in the encyclopedia such data:
  5 [crowns] 20 mm 0.8 g 96.65% aluminum 3% magnesium 0.35% manganese Smooth Coat of arms of the "CZECHOSLOVAK REPUBLIC", year of minting Value designation, wreath of leaves, five-pointed star 1953 ...
  Should this coin be included in the Rostov collection? Probably, not. (If someone is interested, I may to include).
  It will be indicated in the list of coins for sale.
  I will make an advertisement for the sale, will post it on the Internet.
  ... I compiled the text of the sale announcement:
  "The 5 crown coin of an NPI student (1953). 5 crowns ("koruna") of Czechoslovakia (of 1953). The coin is made of white metal (96.65% aluminum 3% magnesium 0.35% manganese - presumably). The coin was inherited.
  Coin Condition: This coin looks satisfactory.
  Price, RUB: 5 000
  The Literary Certificate included [attached].
  Pickup, mail.
  The level of the price may be discussed.
  (The authenticity of the silver and the authenticity of the coins have not been verified and cannot be guaranteed by the seller. The seller makes judgments and estimates, expresses opinions as an ordinary, a regular (simple, average) participant in the commodity turnover; the seller does not have special knowledge about coins, he is not an expert in a (sphere of) numismatic sciences and issues.)"
  October 21, 2022 02:26
  Translation from Russian into English: October 21, 2022 04:10.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Пять крон студента НПИ (1953 года). Антикварный рассказ".
  { 3215. Пять крон студента НПИ (1953 года). Антикварный рассказ.
  MMMCLXXXVI. The 5 crown coin of an NPI student (1953). An antiquarian story.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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