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The book about Heinrich Schliemann. In English language. A diary note

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    The book about Heinrich Schliemann. In English language. A diary note.

  The book about Heinrich Schliemann. In English language. A diary note.
  When creating miniatures, I was mentioning Heinrich Schliemann.
  Some details required clarification. I often selected a word or part of the text and started a search on the Internet.
  Sometimes, as a result of the search, fresh works about Heinrich Schliemann were discovered. We can say that books about Heinrich Schliemann are published with a frequency of about one book in a ten years. In addition to books, a more smaller works are also published.
  If people all over the world continue to write about Schliemann, then why should my work exist in a cultural environment where Heinrich Schliemann is portrayed as a "thief", where it is argued that the businessman earned his capital from 'supplying the Russian army during the Crimean War. The boots turned out to have cardboard soles, the military overcoats fell apart in the hands, the groats could be immediately thrown away ... '?
  Why not create the text of the book in English?
  Initially, this thought was limited to the intention to give some insignificant fragment of the text in English.
  I quickly put together a kind of preface.
  "A translation of
  A tutorial of a writer's success. Part I. Heinrich Schliemann and his lessons.
  Once (it was October 2016) we wrote a book (in Russian) about the Laws of Success by Heinrich Schliemann. ('Учебник писательского успеха. Часть I. Генрих Шлиман и его уроки', 180 с., ISBN 978-5-4483-3250-0 (9785448332500).
  "The Textbook on the success of the writer. Part I. Heinrich Schliemann and his lessons", 180 p., ISBN 978-5-4483-3250-0 (9785448332500).)
  It is logical to believe that the translation of this book (even if not all, but only a several pages) into English will be interesting for a part of the reading audience.
  Here are some translated pages from this book. (All rights reserved. Vladimir Zalessky.)"
  After that, it was possible to move on to the text in English.
  The first fragment of the English text of the book was posted on the Internet on March 4, 2021.
  I realized that creating a text of a book in English was the right thing to do.
  I tried to add at least a small fragment of an English text every day - in addition to what already existed.
  That was also the right thing to do.
  But a separate task was to find time EVERY DAY to prepare a new fragment of the text in English.
  Gradually, I reformulated the problem. Every day a new piece of text should appear on the Internet. But this does not mean that I need to do the preparation of the fragment every day. On some, favorable days for this - it is possible to prepare (in advance) a significant part of the text in English. And I can post every day about two paragraphs (additionally) from a previously prepared text.
  On the basis of this approach, a kind of advanced text volume [ahead (overhead) amount of text)] was created.
  At some moment, I felt that with the considerable effort, I could complete the English text of the book.
  A period of particularly intense heat had just begun. But I had to forget about the heat and to make an effort.
  The initial full English version of the text was produced on 31 July 2021. However, an adjustment was required. The resulted version of the text was ready on August 1, 2021. (The text of the book was written in Russian in November 2015 - September 2016).
  Interestingly, on July 30, 2021, I (quite by accident) read a material where it was reported that the "Gold of Troy" (found by Schliemann) will be studied under a unique microscope. In this material I read the phrase: "In 2022 the world will celebrate the 200th anniversary of Heinrich Schliemann."
  Somehow I missed this event (date). Well ... Very good!
  The list of informational sources (bibliography) caused some difficulties. This was already outside the borders of main text the book. For example, a search for the words 'Георгий Ст. Коррес (младший)'gave nothing. I had to give the option that was available, with an indication in square brackets [Георгий Ст. Коррес (младший)]. A little later, the respected George Styl. Korres (junior?) was found in A. K. Gavrilov's list of references - in a foreign language. A search using foreign words gave the result - on one of the French web sites. So it was achieved - to give the correct spelling of the name and surname of the respected researcher. In any case, according the option that was available on the French site. (What if this is the name and surname not of the 'junior', but of the 'senior'? Gradually, if necessary, we will clarify this detail as well ...).
  Some details - thus - required attention after the bulk of the work. This main volume of work met in the period March 4, 2021 - August 1, 2021.
  With a favorable development of events, the book in English will receive the form of a paper edition and in this form will become available to interested readers.
  August 2, 2021 21:31
  Translation from Russian into English: August 3, 2021 00:09.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Книга о Генрихе Шлимане на английском языке. Дневниковая заметка'.
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