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The Communist Party and the Space Elite. The system of checks and balances - on the example of the Salyut-7 station. An essay on the history of Soviet cosmos

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    The Communist Party and the Space Elite. The system of checks and balances - on the example of the Salyut-7 station. An essay on the history of Soviet cosmos.

  The Communist Party and the Space Elite. The system of checks and balances - on the example of the Salyut-7 station. An essay on the history of Soviet cosmos.
  What was a typical scheme of career in normal conditions under the party system of power?
  In the party organ of the corresponding level, information was accumulated, an opinion was created. Later, a decisionto provide the candidate with a managing position was preparing.
  The achievements of 1957-1961 overturned the usual ideas and standard schemes.
  The space sphere began to generate a space elite, which was nominated almost without the influence of party organs and which was receiving a resources, a power, and an immense popularity.
  This situation called into question the basic principles of career growth under the omnipotence of the CPSU. Career growth based on real success called into question career growth based on the assessments of higher party comrades.
  Beria sends his son Sergo to the aviation industry. In the aviation industry, we find people with other well-known surnames. Khrushchev sends his son Sergei to an organization led by Vladimir Chelomey ...
  Whom can dear Leonid Ilyich send and where? What is the respected daughter of Leonid Ilyich Galina capable of?
  If Sergo Beria and Sergei Khrushchev studied and were brought up in the era of Stalin, then Galina watched with interest the political actions of dear Nikita Sergeevich.
  Nevertheless, the task of building relations with the space elite - it was a task of a party apparatus.
  And to refuse of a space activity - it is impossible - it has become the main Soviet brand (the rapid growth of industry in the late 50s - early 60s is over, agriculture is experiencing difficulties; endlessly remember the historical victories?). And a space sphere is dangerous - what, if the space elite will start to compete with the party one?
  The history of the Salyut-7 orbital station provokes some thoughts.
  This station was launched into orbit on April 19, 1982.
  The operation of the station was, in whole, successful, and a lot of experience was accumulated.
  The public has a book by Viktor Savinykh "Notes from a Dead Station" and some other informational materials.
  In the history of the Salyut-7 station, we see a kind of system of checks and balances that regulated the relationship between the cosmic and the party elites.
  Is Salyut-7 a promising station?
  This seems to be a project with great potential.
  On February 11, 1985, after a six-month absence of people at the Salyut-7 station, communication with the station was interrupted.
  How likely is the option of returning the Salyut-7 station to normal operation? There is a chance, although not great. The matter is new, completely unusual.
  It's possible to try.
  The candidacies of the crew commander are endlessly changing, but the candidacy of Viktor Savinykh remains.
  Finally, after the arriving to station, overcoming enormous difficulties, Dzhanibekov and Savinykh bring the Salyut-7 station back to life, to normal functioning.
  Such an example nobody and nowhere had before - to return a failed space station to normal operation.
  It was a chance to recieve something like the flight of Yuri Gagarin in 1961.
  A new legendary case of success is being formed - without any participation of the party apparatus. May be, new Gagarin, new Korolev and the new representatives of the space elite will group around this case (this event)?
  From the available materials, we see the excellent preparation of Dzhanibekov and Savinykh.
  But Dzhanibekov returns to Earth, Savinykh remains at the Salyut-7 station. A new crew arrives, including cosmonaut Vasyutin.
  Oddly enough - with the highest training and readiness of Dzhanibekov and Savinykh - Vasyutin for health reasons and for a number of parameters is unable to work effectively at the Salyut-7 station.
  A huge success in bringing the Salyut-7 station back to life, to normal functioning, became a fact of a space history. But there is also an unsuccessfully completed expedition to the Salyut-7 station (due to Vasyutin's state of health; there are mentions of some other reasons).
  There is a legendary case, but there is also a not successful case. So no space elite, no new Gagarins, no new Korolevs (and others) are grouping around the success story of Salyut-7.
  It seems that the restored Salyut-7 has a bright future. The station has returned to normal operation, it is provided with everything necessary for the life of the crew. The latest devices were delivered to the station. Programs for prospective work and research have been drawn up.
  However, the case of failure casts a shadow on the situation.
  In addition, in 1986 the MIR station was launched and operates.
  So there is again a kind of system of checks and balances.
  Without a clear explanation - people like Korolev are gone, and who can ask questions to the party elite? - a decision is made to deorbitation the Salyut-7 station, a station with a great prospects.
  Someone disappointed because of the termination of the operation of the Salyut-7 station?
  However, the political elite needs the DOSED, the moderate success in space. She doesn't need the new 1957 and 1961. She needs international status and a good reputation, but without the new Korolevs and without the new Gagarins. She doesn't need new Korolevs and Gagarins.
  The gaining of state power by the Council of Chief Designers is too a dangerous and an uncomfortable situation.
  On the night of February 6-7, 1991, the station entered the atmosphere. Unburnt elements of Salyut-7 were sank in the World Ocean.
  The new conditions required new modifications of the system of checks and balances.
  June 26, 2021 03:51
  Translation from Russian into English: June 26, 2021 07:54.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "КПСС и космическая элита. Система сдержек и противовесов - на примере станции Салют-7. Очерк истории советского космоса".
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