Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Dialogue about the successful nullification of the anathema

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The Dialogue about the successful nullification of the anathema

  The Dialogue about the successful nullification of the anathema
  A certain reader went to a supermarket. Bought some products. Then he went outside.
  He opened a packing with ice cream and decided to eat a little ice cream.
  He sees: there is a dog, probably, vagrant, and stares at him.
  The fan of literature got a vienna sausage from a package, broke off a half and threw to a dog: "Of course, this vienna sausage not a boiled, but is better to give not a boiled, than nothing to give".
  The dog ate a half of sausage and asks:
  - Ice cream? Already not a hot. Summer ended, autumn began...
  - Yes here the mood improved. The anathema was successfully removed.
  - As it: "removed an anathema"?
  - Yes, I somehow decided to read one book. Well, I read, is boring, after a few pages I sent this book to the archive, - and on me the anathema was imposed.
  - Now time such, it is necessary to read more carefully. There are books which only special people are allowed to read. These people are by name listed in Laws. With specifying of INN (Taxpayer identification number), SNILS (Individual insurance account number), number of driver's license and other details. All data are scrawled on an electronic medium (chip) and soldered into a page.
  - Yes, because it's not impossible to foresee all... As in these ... thrillers ... one circumstance clings to another ... and here to you an unexpected result ... Anathema!
  - Such books can be read only in German language and in the presence of detailed comments ...
  - It is difficult to tell. The Russian translation did not cause me a much interest. What? In German, maybe more expressive? Somehow I had no situation - to master German.
  - With an anathema, I think, it is senseless to ask a vienna sausages nearby supermarkets ...
  - It's correct! Pleasant little.
  - Yes ...
  - I hear the movement started. Perhaps, it is achievable - to remove the anathema.
  - And what?
  - I also asked, mentally. Hear: removed.
  - Wow!
  - It, maybe, only once in one thousand years happens! Very successfully I took advantage of the opportunity!
  - I congratulate!
  - Thanks!
  The reader gave to a dog the second half of a vienna sausage, ate up ice cream, and walked along a street. The dog ran off about her business.
  October 13, 2018 15:53
  Translation from Russian into English: October 13, 2018 16:59.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог об удачно снятой анафеме'.
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