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The Dialogue about the Science, the Art and Plato

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    The Dialogue about the Science, the Art and Plato

  The Dialogue about the Science, the Art and Plato
  - You will not dispute the existence of relatives?
  - No.
  - I mean - the alive relatives .
  - I won't dispute.
  - How it today is?.. Different acts, laws, the will expressions, interpretations, precedents, the world international experience...
  Ten scientific institutions, one hundred non-governmental organizations and a thousand wise men will not come to an identical opinion.
  So many people think about this topic and write... You can understand this issue for decades. And, perhaps, the more time will be required. Some time ago everything stood in a relative balance... But the movie "intervened" ... All was shaken up...
  - Movie!
  - Yes, the film! Some have spoken ... Then - the others ... 'At the one side...' 'At the other side...' Now she is learning the entire volume of historical knowledge developed by experts... She proves her positions and her points of view... She at the radio station is informing people... Someone supposes that she writes a historical work... Maybe, - the great-granddaughter? The distant relative?
  - Plato seems to be saying: "A truth come into being during a dispute!" Plato was born in 428 or 427 BC. Soon the anniversary will be.
  - A historical science is moving forward! The philosophy of Plato is not stated systematically in his works, which seem to the modern researcher rather a vast laboratory of thought. That's what the encyclopedia says. The most important part of Plato's philosophy is the doctrine of three main ontological substances (the 'triad'): "one" ('unity'), "mind" and "soul". The doctrine of "space" is nearby these notions.
  - These thoughts need to be well understood.
  - I also think so.
  12 June 2018 12: 02
  Translation from Russian into English: June 12, 2018 22:41.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о науке, искусстве и Платоне'.
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