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The Express Sketch about the fallen-off charm

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    The Express Sketch about the fallen-off charm

  The Express Sketch about the fallen-off charm
  It was good when prices of oil kept high.
  The population felt themselves a little easier. The figure of the default was sent to a reserve stock.
  Image events were held. It was possible to receive a toy according the request of the viewer.
  But times have changed.
  Pockets of the population have felt discomfort. Image actions became inconclusive. Recipients of toys - visitors of secondary schools and technical schools - have felt some inconveniences. The figure has come back to the leading position and has continued defaults, let and partial.
  At some media figures the charm began to fall off. Earlier they acted in the general style: yes we are such-oh!-oh!-oh! - possibilities much ... Yes we a lot of things can! Envy us! Generally, be afraid of us and admire us!
  The charm of this style has consigned to the past. Even some provincial ecologists, having done some way and having bought tickets, have arrived to a show and have stated the negative on a show.
  In the beginning it has caused anger and habitual threats. We a lot of things can! You whether is not of these, in which ... at the first suspicion ... And we can this sign to glue to your's forehead directly during the radio broadcast ...
  Then have felt that the anger is inappropriate, and threats if work, then not as it was expected ...
  Were excited.
  Throweries, scammers from national fairy tales a horse before sale through a straw was inflated, pumped, that she looked more solid.
  Have found "way out" of situation.
  Pugs have ceased to bark, they have begun to represent the eulogizing singing of birds ... Pugs got the job: to represent a wagging of a tail in a verbal form and to present on air these creative finds. But everything is somehow unconvincing.
  Pugs rejoice? But to what (whom)? They admire? But by what (by whom)? All this looks miserable.
  Bosses and authorities have begun to worry. Of course, the charm falls off. Have almost fallen off. Earlier he directly threatened, now has a little changed a semantic foreshortening, but, all the same, he is the formidable personality. He knows a lot. Even about those who near him in studio. For example, knows about traffic offenses. Can at the right time these sins publicly to remember. He can, if necessary, the sign to glue to a forehead ... Plus "social links" have remained. - For a time ... ("He with ... [a forefinger does the vertical movement. Upward] ... is on a friendly leg!") Money - they will not hurt anyone.
  The access to a show for provincial environmentalists was blocked. Even for money. But it isn't enough.
  "Make information prompts. Advertize him!" "Start advertizing blocks about him in each hour!" "Praise him!"
  At last, they "have tired" a standard radio listener: "Who advertises whom!? He them? Or they of him!?"
  "I try not to listen to programs with his participation! Either I switch off, or I switch to other broadcasts. But not ... Him - through a door, and he - in a window ... That is, he "climbs" through an information prompts!"
  "They sour in the information... that is, - in the information space...".
  "What can he tell a new?" "Let's say, he can threaten. He able to switch suddenly from a theme to a theme. To formulate a question some unusually. He can take "on a voice" or "on an intonation". He, being in the conditions of rather habitual and having prepared, having a regular practice, can confuse someone; in the conditions of unaccustomed and a lack of time can achieve from someone some confusion. And he will represent this confusion as own intellectual superiority". "At the third time it's not interesting. To spend time on it? Or even money?"
  A standard listener switched to the next radio station. There an endless a play for a mechanical piano was. The listener expresses a negative emotions.
  October 22, 2018 08:55
  Translation from Russian into English: October 22, 2018 22:37.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Экспресс-скетч об обвалившемся шарме'.
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