Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Fairy Tale of the Meeting of Leo Tolstoy and Andrei Vyshinsky

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    The Fairy Tale of the Meeting of Leo Tolstoy and Andrei Vyshinsky

  The Fairy Tale of the Meeting of Leo Tolstoy and Andrei Vyshinsky
  Leo Tolstoy read a new book about the life of the playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. A new biography, but the circumstances of life, in general, known. Let's say, Alexander, when he was a little boy, with his mother visited an interesting places of Moscow.
  "Really," - thought Tolstoy. - "There are many the interest places in the Moscow. Why don't I take a walk?..'
  Leo Tolstoy is walking across Moscow and sees. Towards to him, still quite far, Andrey Vyshinsky is moving.
  Tolstoy has thought: "I will sit down on a bench and I will a little doze. Several minutes".
  He have sat down. He closed the eyes. And, in fact, dozed off.
  He dreamed that Tolstoy Peter Andreyevich arrived to visit the Tsarevich (Crown Prince) Alexei Petrovich, who has gone abroad from Russia. Graf The count offers the Prince to play cards. The Prince agrees. Peter Andreevich won several gold coins from the Prince and went to Russia. In Russia the Tsar Pyotr Alekseyevich asks him: "Delivered, Pyotr Andreyevich, the Crown Prince?" Pyotr Andreyevich says that the Prince to discuss the theme of returning to Russia does not want to. These are the circumstances. Tsar looks at Peter Andreevich in anger. And - in a very bad mood Lev Nikolayevich woke up from a sleepiness.
  He have got up from a bench. Suddenly sees - two steps away from him Andrey Vyshinsky. It has appeared while Leo Tolstoy had an unpleasant dream, Vyshinsky just also has approached.
  Leo Tolstoy has thought with a sigh: "It seems, he was in a student's peaked cap?" It - about some past meeting.
  Leo Tolstoy has sighed the second time and says: "Andrey Yanuaryevich! A different people read my novel "War and peace". I with myself have a copy. I give this book to you as the gift".
  "Sign the book, Lev Nikolayevich!'
  Leo Tolstoy wrote "To Andrey Yanuaryevich Vyshinsky ..." and thought for a moment: anything to add? But sighed for the third time and nothing added. Also he has undersigned.
  "Thanks, Lev Nikolayevich! Very I am grateful to you! If I have with myself a copy of my work concerning a state and a right, I, of course, would present it to you. But - I haven't taken ... The high access control. Excess questions ... I apologize".
  Leo Tolstoy has kept silent. He have slightly bowed and has gone further.
  Andrey Vyshinsky has thought: "Not the accidental, perhaps, meeting. Pyotr Andreevich was the famous diplomat. Isn't it time for me to replace a kind of activity? I will show during the report the copy, signed today, and I will remember aloud, - as if accidentally, - about Pyotr Andreevich, the diplomat very outstanding ..." Vyshinsky have put a novel copy in a briefcase and has continued the way.
  May 31, 2018 14:33.
  Translation from Russian into English: May 31, 2018 - June 1, 2018. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о встрече Льва Толстого и Андрея Вышинского'.

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