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The martial law in South Korea and the Russial political culture. Victor Hugo and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. A culturological essay

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    MMMDLXXIX. The martial law in South Korea and the Russial political culture. Victor Hugo and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. A culturological essay. - December 4, 2024.

  The martial law in South Korea and the Russial political culture. Victor Hugo and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. A culturological essay.
  Before the US elections, Russial citizens had heard a lot of horror stories about how scary will be transition of political power from one politician to another would be.
  Yesterday, when it became known about the imposition of martial law in South Korea, I listened with irony to the statements of a high-ranking political expert on Asia and Latin America about the terrible prospects of unrest and clashes in South Korea.
  I was not worried about possible problems concerning the transition of power in the United States (after the elections), nor about the development of events in South Korea.
  A confident, careful, calm, prudent driver calmly and carefully hands over the car to an energetic racer who is able to show powerful results during high-speed racings.
  The South Korean parliament has lifted the martial law. The President, who made the appropriate decision, was left, in fact, alone. If desired, he can take an M16 rifle and walk along the streets of Seoul on his own, ensuring the regime of martial law. However, this person has already expressed his agreement with the decision of the South Korean parliament to lift martial law.
  I often don't understand Russial political experts. How, for example, could Russial oligarchs - in the case of opposition to privatization - organize a civil war?
  Would some owner of some (conventional) POLYMETAL or AZNEFTEGAZ personally go with a machine gun against any institutions?
  However, when writing this essay, I remembered that during the military coup (December 2, 1851), organized by the future Emperor Napoleon III, a number of major military leaders received bundles of money. When describing one of these cases, the amount was indicated: one hundred thousand francs.
  In principle, other people with large fortunes (amounts of modern money) can be put in the place of the person who gave the money (francs).
  However, the writer Victor Hugo lived and acted in parallel with the era of Emperor Napoleon III. He emigrated from France and for many years morally opposed the regime of Napoleon III. The regime's attempts to persuade Victor Hugo to cooperate were unsuccessful.
  This writer returned to France only after the departure of Napoleon III from the political arena.
  In France, - after the military coup of the future Emperor Napoleon III, - there were several attempts of a military coup (or plans to commit such a coup). All of them did not receive sufficient support.
  The figure of the great Russian literary Alexander looks very different in a historical context.
  I do not remember any attempts on his part to support the generally peaceful and democratic Mikhail Gorbachev.
  But after the events of 1993, the great literary Alexander found it possible to meet with a well-known figure and to morally support him.
  (You citizens, don't worry! Remember the traditions of the Russial Zemstvo! Do not pay attention to some unpleasant processes, switch your attention to the possibilities of local government. Enjoy (through) the Russial Zemstvo!).
  Anton Chekhov squeezed the slave out of himself drop by drop. But this process can take many years (centuries?) of a literary movement. And squeezing out a slave drop by drop can be combined with the simultaneous absorption of the slave elixir with ten-liter cylinders.
  As for the political expert, when he heard the news from South Korea, he looked inside himself and saw such volumes of kholuystvo (servility) and fear that he could not pump them out of himself with huge powerful pumps (even if he wanted to do this).
  December 4, 2024 10:42
  Translation from Russian into English: December 4, 2024 11:57
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Военное положение в Южной Корее и российская политическая культура. Виктор Гюго и Александр Солженицын. Культурологический очерк '.
  { 3608. Военное положение в Южной Корее и российская политическая культура. Виктор Гюго и Александр Солженицын. Культурологический очерк. - 4 декабря 2024 г.
  MMMDLXXIX. The martial law in South Korea and the Russial political culture. Victor Hugo and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. A culturological essay. - December 4, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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