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The phenomenon of a kholopship and a kholop"s culture. The culturological essay

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    The phenomenon of a kholopship and a kholop"s culture. The culturological essay

  The phenomenon of a kholopship and a kholop"s culture. The culturological essay
  Sergei Sergeevich read in the book by Henri Troyat "Peter the First" that at some point the kholops were equal in legal status with the serfs.
  During four hundred - five hundred years (counting until 1861 - 1905 - 1917), there were relatively many serfs, and relatively few free people.
  But even after the abolition of serfdom, a kholopship and a kholop"s culture did not disappear anywhere.
  What are the origins of this a kholop"s culture?
  1. Lack of traditions and skills of a democratic order of life. But do you need to live? Do you need to arrange a state life somehow? Life is organizing on authoritarian, totalitarian foundations.
  2. An authoritarian, totalitarian system creates a generalized type of "barin". "The barin will judge us ...", "The barin acts foolly ..." etc.
  3. If the generalized "barin" is a source of financial, status and other benefits, then approaches should be found to him.
  Even if a character has certain talents and abilities, there is still no guarantee that the barin will notice and appreciate them. Nevertheless, you need to live ... A wife, children ... The needs of a "good life."
  Moreover, if there are abilities, then they need to be developed, applied, directed ... This is connected with difficulties and risk ...
  But not everyone has the abilities.
  In general, if there is a barin, so, there is a simple, a relatively easy option - to flatter, to wear tribute. To seek favors from the barin. To show a kholop"s behavior.
  4. There is an effect of complementarity - barin and kholop. A natural union arises between the barin and the kholops - a kind of barin-kholop environment.
  5. At certain periods of time, in certain situations, in certain sectors of life, the need arises for the activity of capable people.
  For the exploitation of such people, the barin-kholop environment has developed and is developing certain methods, techniques, tricks. She creates a cheating atmosphere ...
  One of the central points of the cheating atmosphere is ideological fog - "there is progress, there is a need for talents, a concern for higher values ... a selfless, useful efforts are appreciated and rewarded, etc."
  It sounds attractive, especially since a whole series of positive examples on this topic has been accumulated in world culture ... In fact, in a truly competitive environment, capable people have real chances ...
  Energetic people absorb the shuler ideological fog of the barin-kholop environment and act energetically ...
  But the representatives of the barin-kholop environment are very jealously watching this activity.
  It is important to prevent "active figures" from gaining power and money. This is dangerous. This threatens, for example, the destruction of the barin-kholop environment and the emergence of a competitive environment.
  Under this option - under the minimum program - "barins" and "kholops" will lose part of their power and money, influence. They will be forced to devote more time to real work ... Life will become less sweet ...
  And if - the maximum program will be?!! ...
  Energetic individuals discover the fact of inadequate rewards for their efforts. In some cases, they are simply kicked out in the back ...
  Under a well-established barin-kholop culture and atmosphere, such situations are perceived as misunderstandings, as "isolated cases" ...
  After a person was "pushed away into the back", useful results of his activity remain. These useful results are appropriated by the barin-kholop environment ... "Pushed into the back" person does not like such a situation - but this is their case, his problems ...
  This is a summary of the phenomenon of kholopship and kholop"s culture.
  Briefly, the results of the reasoning can be formulated as follows - it is easier, is simpler, and more understandable to flatter and bear tribute (and feel involved in the ruling stratum) than to engage in complex, difficult, often risky, although useful, activity. In addition, society is diverse. Certain members of society simply have no choice - they have no choice between a useful activity and a kholop position. This group of people has neither knowledge nor ability. Their choice is between the simplest occupations and a kholopship. Together with the "barins", the "kholops" create a barin-kholop environment, a barin-kholop atmosphere, patterns, standards, traditions of barin-kholop behavior, organize the exploitation of people with abilities - prone to creative activity.
  "It"s possible to write, for example, a book on this subject," - Sergei Sergeevich thought. - "But ideas, meanings - they will be stolen." "There will appear some funny personalities who will re-chant this book, but - with their own words (and without indicating the primary source of ideas)."
  "Will there be any fee?"
  "We confine ourselves to a brief summary ...".
  November 5, 2019 09:52
  Translation from Russian into English: November 5, 2019 11:12.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Феномен холопства и холопской культуры. Культурологический очерк".
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