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The Siberian mosquito. A first-person narrative

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    MMMCDLXXVI. The Siberian mosquito. A first-person narrative. - April 11, 2024.

  The Siberian mosquito. A first-person narrative.
  I am writing to you, dear relatives, Siberian mosquitoes, from Transbaikalia.
  I flyed up here recently, sat down on a leaf at the top of a tree and began to explore the surroundings.
  My attention was attracted by three beings with T-shirts that had the words "Trans-Baikal Academicians" on them.
  These three beings were carrying big, huge bags from the building with the name "Bank" to the building with the flag.
  The most interesting thing is that they were carrying even larger bags from the building with the flag to the building with the name "Bank". It looked like a violation of Socrates' philosophy, and I watched the process, trying to uncover its logic.
  When the bags reached very big sizes, they started transporting them in huge black shiny cars.
  This sight began to annoy me, and I decided to fly on.
  However, one of these three beings got out of the car with an object.
  The other two came up to him.
  It turned out to be a balloon.
  They began to inflate him.
  When the balloon filled with air, these three beings began to push it up.
  But the balloon didn't want to take off.
  Then one of the Trans-Baikal Academicians put on a sombrero, the second - a sleeveless vest, the third put on huge wading boots.
  After that, they started pushing the balloon up again.
  The one who was wearing big wading boots kicked the balloon with a huge wading boot on.
  The balloon flew up a little.
  This balloon looked good: it was so smooth, round, shiny.
  I sat down on it and began to explore it with my proboscis.
  Suddenly the balloon burst.
  I was thrown into a pile of branches.
  When I came to my senses and soared higher, I saw that these Trans-Baikal Academicians were coming out again and entering buildings with huge bags.
  I'll fly up here (again) in a month, I'll watch, something will change.
  In the meantime, I'm flying on.
  If I will see anything interesting, I will write to you, dear relatives
  Your friend and cobrother
  The Siberian Mosquito.
  April 11, 2024 05:49
  Translation from Russian into English: April 11, 2024 07:36
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Сибирский комар. Рассказ от первого лица ".
  {3505. Сибирский комар. Рассказ от первого лица. - 11 апреля 2024 г.
  MMMCDLXXVI. The Siberian mosquito. A first-person narrative. - April 11, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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