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The Sketch about "ghetto", about widely moved apart legs of "Miss Fight Against Corruption" and about the park in the center of Yekaterinburg

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    The Sketch about "ghetto", about widely moved apart legs of "Miss Fight Against Corruption" and about the park in the center of Yekaterinburg

  The Sketch about "ghetto", about the widely moved apart legs of "Miss Fight Against Corruption" and about the park in the center of Yekaterinburg
  Sergei Sergeyevich gradually acquired the skill of deciphering messages received from the "Other Mind".
  Every month he, as the owner of an apartment in the city center, received receipts for a payment of a major repairs.
  At first these receipts directed the Sergey Sergeyevich's reflections in the ancient epochs.
  In the past there was a lot of a pleasant things. The apartment was two-room. Windows of one room came to the carriageway, and another - to the yard.
  So, in the past, traffic was not significant. And in the yard there were a lot of trees, flowers, shrubs, and happy children played.
  It was possible to live in the apartment - in the past - without experiencing big troubles. (The house itself was of age about 100 years old...).
  However, gradually the movement of the motor transport amplified. Air became dirtier. Noise was more and more. Flowers, bushes, some trees and the playing children disappeared In the yard . Their place was taken by numerous cars.
  The presence of cars was quite natural. City centre. In many ways - the convenient place.
  Sergei Sergeyevich for maintaining health tried to spend more time at the dacha of relatives, and less in the apartment.
  Meanwhile, receipts on payment of capital repairs sated the mind of Sergey Sergeyevich with the ciphered information.
  At one time the sum in receipts was stable and rather small. Some later the situation began to change. The sum or decreased, or increased. At last, the period, when in each receipt the sum increased approximately by 10 percent in comparison with previous payment, began.
  Strange, but with this period (of constant increase in payments for the repair) matched the flow of interesting news.
  One of the local web sites started publishing materials dedicated to Miss "Fight against corruption". A certain girl made a rapid career from a schoolgirl in some small town up to a prominent figure in the fight against corruption of the municipal scale.
  Employees of the web site traced her career. The schoolgirl - the participant of local beauty contest - the assistant to some chief ( - university, diploma -) - the noticeable figure in the field of fight against corruption in municipal structure.
  The authors of the article made almost no effort for the preparing of excellent articles. They just went to social networks and chose interesting photos. In 50 percent of the selected photos, the heroine performed some gymnastic exercises that require a wide spread of the legs (a widely moving apart of legs). 25 percent of the selected photos are from foreign resorts (Italy, Spain, France, Turkey and UAE ...). A few photos - the heroine in her own "Porsche Cayenne".
  Readers left admiring comments.
  Sergei Sergeyevich own attention directed on dark glasses of heroine. She likes to be photographed with a dark glasses. May be, Rudolph Abel wore glasses, too. He acted under the guise of artist. Was also a human of art - drew pictures. It, seems, wasn't usefull for him. He returned back for some paintings close to his heart?... And that was dangerous?
  But the attention of Sergei Sergeyevich involuntarily switched to the events around the park in the center of Yekaterinburg.
  People need the park! And what in this such strange? Messages about some "people of a sports constitution" who amicably appeared and opposed peaceful fans of the park came.
  (With a strange regularity from different cities came messages, as local authorities with a strange a persistence demonstrate activity - they a private houses, all sorts of objects are pushing and pressing into a places of green areas, parks, local forests, forest belts (and even streets! in suburban settlements).
  For example, one mayor "cared" about the clothing market, which suddenly needed to move out of the city center. He was very caring. For the new mall took away a part of the square of city forests.
  So, after all, this still a humanism! And if in the yard of one apartment building build another apartment house? Or an underground garage? Or something? It's less humane.
  So the ex-mayor was a person very humane. He even took care of a local Botanical garden. But the inspection, investigation, apparently, showed that the place allocated under the construction of the complex of multi-storey buildings was not a part of the Botanical garden... Until the ex-mayor moved to the capital, the story about the Botanical garden all somehow was travelling ...).
  The story of the park in the center of Yekaterinburg encouraged Sergei Sergeyevich to think about the apartment building in the center of his native city and the cars filling the yard. If there are so many cars, then, consequently, the place is convenient. Why the authorities do not give compensation to apartment owners? Why the authorities do not build on the site of the house (built almost 100 years ago) those houses (those objects) that they need? Why owners of apartments recieve a gifts - a receipts with more and more increasing figures? What? these houses built 100 years ago can really be repaired? (If only completely anew to reconstruct?...). To pay compensation to owners of apartments is, really, expenses. But they have logical justification. And what sense to spend money for that an excessive overbuilding to turn the whole a city areas into peculiar "ghettoes"?.
  Sergei Sergeevich received a new receipt. You have to pay again to Fund the repair. Again, the amount of payment was increased by about 10 per cent compared to the previous one.
  Finally, the efforts of the author of the receipts, sending encrypted messages to the General public, yielded results.
  In the mind of Sergei Sergeyevich formed a logical puzzle.
  For the maintenance of fans of gymnastic exercises - the owneresses of "Porsche Cayenne" - for the maintenance of collectivos need money. All these "Capital repair funds" are not state budget funds. They are probably not approved as part of the state budget. No matter, how the modern so-called deputies are insignificant, but still they have a role in the consideration and approval of the state budget. Huge Funds, such as the repair Fund, allow you to make financial maneuvers... What's next? Let us remember the fate of non-state pension funds...
  "Payments are necessary, - due to necessity of a girls - owners of Porsche Cayenne and due to necessity of a collectivos.
  Collectivos are necessary for cleaning of parks from fans of green plantings.
  The areas of a green plantings need to be covered with a constructions, to keep, to save a houses, built 100 years ago.
  Houses built 100 years ago, hardly anyone can repair - really. But they are needed in order to collect a repair payments from Sergei Sergeyevich and other apartment owners...
  Payments are needed for..." (vide supra.)..
  "That's where the hen scratches"... "There is a lot of interesting the Internet publishes... ( (
  Sergei Sergeyevich looked at the photo "Miss Fight Against Corruption" - at one of those photos where she widely spread legs (a widely moved apart legs)...
  May 23, 2019 12:42
  Translation from Russian into English: May 23, 2019 21:40.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о "гетто", о широко раздвинутых ногах "Мисс Борьба с коррупцией" и о парке в центре Екатеринбурга'.
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