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The Sketch about the Museum policy of count Nesselrode

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    The Sketch about the Museum policy of count Nesselrode

  The Sketch about the Museum policy of count Nesselrode
  Count Nesselrode was in a good mood. He - as Chancellor - received a secret report on the visit by medic Arendt to poet Mikhail Lermontov.
  "With Lermontov the issue will be solved separately..."
  In the meantime, the count read with pleasure the detailed story of medic Arendt about the final hours of Pushkin.
  There was a respectful knock. The secretary came in:
  - There arrived the staff of the Museum of the Revolution of 1905!
  - What do they want?
  - They wish to carry out thematic reorganization of the Museum...
  The count from disappointment couldn't tell a word during a minute: instead of such interesting reading to listen about any projects.
  But the moment of the historical situation was such is that it was necessary to show light liberal decorum. The count has concentrated:
  - Let they enter.
  The count has jumped because of a table, and said affably:
  - Please-please, gentlemen. You know that the Russian Chancellor's office is focused on cultural initiatives. At the agenda - the multi-part film "The Don Juan list of Alexander Pushkin"!
  - We, Your Illustrious Highness, propose to transform the Museum of the Revolution of 1905 into The Museum of the Emperor's Manifesto of October 17th, 1905! Our state and society is desirable to remember the democratic traditions ... Especially these traditions are not so much - compared to some other countries...
  - On what do you believe expedient to do emphasis?.
  - The formation of the first in the history of Russia permanent representative body - the Parliament - the State Duma.
  - In our society, gentlemen, there is a widespread a negative attitude to the history of Russia. Some people forget great milestones! Remember about the wrestling against the "poles"!
  - We do not mind the wrestling against the poles! We know about the your's creative direction... Such a flywheel after the publication of the "History..." untwisted, which can be considered the standard of "soft power" ... We about democratic traditions, about people's representatives, about new phenomena in the public consciousness...
  But you have to understand! We are not going to touch the democratic institutions of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania!.. Moreover, we are not going to discuss the democratic traditions of the Republic of people's nobles (the Republic of people's knights) - the Rech Pospolita.
  - It's good, gentlemen, that you said about the "History..."!
  Count Nesselrode dialed the phone number:
  - Hello! It's the count Nesselrode ... Yes ... thank you ... but I'm about other issue. To me there arrived the staff of the Museum of the Revolution of 1905... They are putting the question on the thematic reorganization of the Museum. They intend to focus on the Emperor's Manifesto of October 17th, 1905, on the themes of the State Duma, of democratic, parliamentary traditions ... I call you as an expert on the organization of the Zemsky Sobor, on which Mikhail Fedorovich in 1613 was elected the tsar ... I also spoke about it!!! Thanks for confirmation of my opinion!
  - And so, misters that I want to tell you after my telephone conversation with the expert ... When forming Zemsky Sobor the most democratic technologies have been used which have far overtaken "general equal and direct ... with a confidential procedure..." of Constitution of 1936. Our contemporaries don't wish to know history! But she needs to be known!
  So. Simultaneously with the delegates of the Zemsky Sobor, deputies of the state Duma were elected: each potential delegate of the Zemsky Sobor "held hands" with five (further research will clarify this figure) potential deputies of the Duma. At the one time moment, - during the one voting, - six-seven people could be elected! (The figure will be specified!)
  Count caught in the faces of visitors doubt:
  - You say: what about the members of the Zemsky Sobor - it is clear. They elected the tsar. And deputies of the State Duma could be engaged in what? Till 1906 the State Duma - parliament - yet didn't function.
  They were visiting "province", held meetings with voters, solved any useful questions ... Collectively watched movies... Wrote notes for social networks...
  The count paused and summed it up:
  - So the historical roots of the State Duma are poorly connected with the Emperor's Manifesto of October 17th, 1905. This roots need to look for in the events of "Time of Troubles".
  The count rang the bell:
  - Invite the TV employees!
  People with television equipment entered.
  The count sat down in front of the cameras and announced:
  - Before your eyes, dear viewers, I sign the rescript on the establishment of the Museum of democratic traditions in the depths of the Kostroma swamps and on the unification with the newly created Museum of the previously independent Museum of the Revolution of 1905! But we must not forget our history! To nobody could show "Poles" a road, I sign the second rescript: about liquidation of service of foresters (a conservation officers)!
  After the shooting, the TV staff gathered the shooting equipment and left the office.
  Count Nesselrode approached the former staff of the former Museum of the Revolution of 1905:
  - Thank you for visiting, gentlemen! You have announced the most interesting initiatives! As you can see, all issues are resolved quickly and efficiently! Thank you! Now I have to leave you: important pre-planned affairs! I thank, misters!
  Two secretaries entered the office-room. The count headed for the exit. Then he jumped into the carriage and drove away.
  August 7, 2018 19:31
  Translation from Russian into English: August 14, 2018 22:50. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч о музейной политике графа Нессельроде".

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